
Northeastern Tuition 2023| Cost of Attending the University

Looking for the Cost of Northeastern Tuition?, If yes, you’re at the right place. This article covers the cost of attending the university, living expenses and financial aid which assist you in paying your fees in the university.Northeastern TuitionTuition and Cost

Consider the overall cost and the net price while comparing the prices of other institutions. The sticker price plus the price of accommodation and board, books, and supplies, transportation, and personal costs makes up the total cost.


The total price at Northeastern University is $78,202. The average net price of a university is the price paid after financial aid and they have deducted scholarships from the total cost; it is $39,185 for the typical student receiving need-based aid.

Northeastern Tuition Student Budget

Program Per Term
Full-Time $29,550
Per Summer I or Summer II Session $14,775
Per-credit Hour Rate (see overload and reduced load policy) $1,847 Fall Semester Programs $37,750
NU Immerse Program $22,950
Foundation Year $19,780
Study Abroad (for additional information around costs and programs, visit the GEO website) $29,550
Dialogue of Civilizations (for additional information around costs and programs, visit the GEO website) $14,775
6th Year PharmD (effective summer term 2023) $15,395
6th Year Physical Therapy (effective summer term 2023) $13,395
Accelerated BSN $1,220 (per credit hour)

Northeastern Tuition Financial Aid


Students can get help from Northeastern University in creating a strategy for paying for their studies there.

You may create a strategy to lower your education costs using several resources, including federal financial aid, Northeastern’s monthly payment plan, additional loans, and your own money.

The four main categories of financial aid are loans, work earnings, grants, and scholarships. I must repay loans; grants and scholarships are forms of assistance that do not.

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Northeastern Tuition Scholarship

A lifetime of perseverance and hard effort pays reward. At Northeastern, we provide a range of awards and scholarships to reward the accomplishments of our most deserving students.

These students stand out as some of the most innovative thinkers, fearless businesspeople, and driven researchers in the country.

Northeastern University offers merit scholarships to selected students besides its important need-based financial assistance program, including the coveted Dean’s Scholarship. Each year, recipients get between $10,000 and $28,000 in awards.


They took all applicants for fall freshman admission to Northeastern who submit their applications by the Regular Decision deadline of January 1 into consideration.

A competitive merit-based award will be given to accepted students at Northeastern who have been named National Merit Finalists* or National Recognition Program Scholars**. These students may also be qualified for financial aid.

Any Honors, Northeastern National Scholarships replace Dean’s, Connections, Sophomore Achievement, International Scholars, or other merit awards, and changes to previously awarded Northeastern University Grant funds are possible.

Northeastern Tuition Grant

They give northeastern University Grants to candidates for financial help who have shown a need for assistance.

Over the length of the student’s undergraduate academic career (up to eight in-class semesters), the amount paid every term is often guaranteed, provided that the student makes timely progress toward a degree and maintains a 2.0 grade point average.

Undergraduate students who have not yet got a bachelor’s or professional degree are eligible for federal Pell Grants.

The Expected Family Contribution (EFC) determines your eligibility for the Federal Pell Grant, which is a program aimed at students with great financial need.

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When your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is submitted, your EFC is determined using a formula set down by Congress.

provides preference to undergraduates who get Federal Pell Grants and assists those with extraordinary financial need, i.e., those with the lowest Expected Family Contributions (EFCs).

These awards are given to students directly by the Office of Student Financial Services. Per academic year, grants normally range from $200 to $3,000.

Northeastern Tuition Work Study

Undergraduate students can work part time under the government sponsored Federal Work-Study program, which is based on need. Students must show financial need as assessed by the FAFSA in order to be eligible.

It is crucial for students who want to be eligible for federal work-study to submit the FAFSA before the priority filing deadline date since there are only a few funds available.

Students who land a work-study job are frequently paid by direct deposit and are allowed to use their earnings to cover costs during the academic year.

For qualified students, a variety of general student work possibilities are also available. The pay rate and number of hours worked will decide they made how much.

Northeastern Tuition Loan

The Federal Direct Loan program will automatically evaluate students who submit the FAFSA. You must fulfill a variety of conditions in order to be eligible, including (but not restricted to):

Be a U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen, be enrolled at least half-time, maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress, be registered with the Selective Service (if applicable), and be a resident of the United States.

The federal government covers the interest on a need-based Direct Subsidized Loan while they enrolled you in school. Interest builds up on a Direct Unsubsidized Loan that is not based on need while you are a student.

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Depending on the student’s financial need, as determined each year by the FAFSA, the subsidized annual amounts listed below may be converted entirely or in part to a Direct Unsubsidized Loan.

The amount of credits a student has achieved toward their degree determines the annual restrictions. For loans granted during the academic year 2023–2023, the interest rate is 4.99%.

Is Northeastern University Worth the Price?

In terms of value, they ranked Northeastern University 2,023rd out of 2,223 institutions.

We think they overprice Northeastern University considering the quality of education it offers based on our analysis of other colleges offering comparable degrees at comparable price points.

Does Northeastern Give Good Financial Aid?

The typical financial aid package at Northeastern University is $42,722. Most of the financial aid received by first-year students—roughly 75.0%—comes as scholarships and grants.


Is Northeastern University Prestigious?

NEU is a renowned research institution. It is extremely difficult and demanding, but it also presents many opportunities. It has illustrious faculty members who are recognized experts in their fields.

What Is the Average GPA to Get into Northeastern?

Most accepted applicants have unweighted GPAs of at least 4.04. At Northeastern, the accepted students’ average GPA ranges from 4.1 to 4.5.

The choice to attend college is big, and typically, the expense plays a role in that choice and we hope this article helps assist you on the Northeastern Tuition. 

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