
University of Florida Tuition 2023| Cost of Attendance

When selecting a graduate program, one of the most important factors to consider is cost. Learn more about the University of Florida Tuition, besides our tuition and fees.

University of Florida TuitionTuition and Cost


The University of Florida (UF) tuition and fees for 2023 are $6,381 for Florida residents and $28,659 for out-of-state students. Its tuition and fees are comparable to the national average ($30,786 – public Research University (extremely high research activity)) based on out-of-state tuition rates.


Tuition and fees at UF have not increased since 2015. They awarded grants or scholarships to 85% of enrolled undergraduate students, with the average grant amounting to $10,500.

After financial help, the net price for Florida residents is $10,931 and for out-of-state students is $33,209, which includes tuition, fees, books, and supplies, and living expenses.

University of Florida Tuition Student Budget

In-state Undergrad On Campus In-state Undergrad Off Campus In-state Undergrad Living with Parents In-state Undergrad Summer 23 (A+B) On Campus
Tuition / Fees $6,380 $6,380 $6,380 $2,550
Books and Supplies 810 810 810 320
Computer/Cell Phone 1,240 1,240 1,240 360
Housing 6,350 6,350 1,910
Food 4,600 4,600 980 1,620
Transportation 1,120 1,120 1,120 370
Clothing Maintenance 890 890 890 310
Personal 420 420 420 100
Total Budget $21,810 $21,810 $11,840 $7,540

University of Florida Tuition Programs of Financial Assistance

Online students at the University of Florida are eligible for federal, state, and institutional aid, which is managed by the Office of Student Financial Affairs (SFA), which also distributes a few privately sponsored scholarships. These are some examples:

Grants. Gift aid is considered — no payback is needed — and is provided to students who show the highest financial need.

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Scholarships. Gift help is considered since it does not have to be returned and does not oblige beneficiaries to undertake services.

They provided work Experience for Students As students help for a service, this is considered self-help aid. The Student Employment Office serves enrolled students who are looking for part-time work through a variety of job programs.

Loans. Loans are considered self-help aid since it must repay them. The Federal Direct Loan Program is the primary source of student loans at UF, although there are a variety of additional loan options available.


Non-SFA Administered help Outside of SFA, other help programs are provided, including State of Florida aid programs, SFA Resource Center scholarships, academic awards, and endowment scholarships.

They may find more information regarding financial help opportunities on the Student Financial Affairs page.


University of Florida Tuition Grants

Grants are non-repayable gifts given to students who show financial necessity.

Students must submit an FAFSA to be considered for most awards, including the Federal Pell Grant, the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, and the Florida Student help Grant.

University of Florida Tuition Scholarships

Scholarships are based on academic accomplishment, but they may also take financial need into account. Scholarships do not have to be returned, and beneficiaries are not required to do any duties in order to receive them.

We classify them as gift aid. A variety of organizations gives scholarships out, including the university, the state, particular colleges and departments, as well as private firms and individuals.

The UF Admissions Office also given merit scholarships out. The scholarship assessment process is comprehensive, and no UF they automatically awarded scholarships based on test results or GPA.

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SFA awards and/or administers non-endowed and endowed scholarships. They considered automatically students if they:

1. Use the FAFSA to apply for financial aid.

2. Have a financial need as determined by the FAFSA

3. Have a GPA of 3.0

4. Meet the donor-specified requirements

Machen Florida Opportunity Scholarships (MFOS) are intended to assure that people who satisfy qualifying standards will not be required to work or borrow in order to attend UF, but have all of their needs covered through grants and scholarships.

University of Florida Tuition Scholarship Eligibility

1. Students must satisfy the following requirements to be eligible:

2. You must be a Floridian.

3. A high school diploma from Florida

4. Be accepted to an undergraduate program as a first-year student.

5. Prior to Fall term enrollment, UF must receive your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

6. Have financial need as showed by the FAFSA information

7. Neither parent is likely to hold a bachelor’s degree.

For a student to be eligible beginning 2023-2023, parents’, stepparents’, or legal guardians combined total income must be less than $55,000, and parents’, stepparents’, or legal guardians’ assets must be less than $35,000.

Enroll in at least twelve credit hours every semester.

You must not have defaulted on any previous aid program or owe a reimbursement to it.

Although you must be admitted to UF before applying for financial help, apply, for aid before being admitted. Fill out the FAFSA online at You can submit your FAFSA for 2023-23 as early as October 1, 2023. You must be a degree-seeking, accepted student in order for us to consider you for financial help.

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University of Florida Tuition Student Loan

How much student loan debt you incur might have a long-term financial impact on your life after college. Ideally, your overall student loan debt should be less than your expected beginning wage after graduation.

The typical federal loan debt among students who got their undergraduate degree at the University of Florida is $15,580. The typical monthly federal loan payment for student federal loan borrowers who graduated is $156 (if repaid over 10 years at 5.05% interest).

3% of the University of Florida graduates took out private loans. At graduation, students with private loans owed an average of $21,635 in private loan debt.

Is University of Florida Costly?

Tuition at the University of Florida is $6,380 for in-state students and $28,658 for out-of-state students. Compared to the national average of in-state tuition of $11,286, the University of Florida is less expensive.


What GPA do You Need to Get Into UF?

The state minimal qualifications for Lower Division candidates may be found here, however UF’s admissions standards are much higher. We prefer candidates with a 3.0 high school GPA and a 3.0 college GPA.

What is University of Florida Known For?

The University of Florida, one of America’s greatest all-around colleges, promotes future-making education, eye-opening discoveries, life-saving health care, and community-building cooperation for our state, nation, and globe.

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