
Faith and Patient in Finding Partner (True Love)



Faith And Patient In Finding Partner.

Finding the right partner or a soul mate is not always an easy and straight forward journey in life. Everyone wants a partner with true love, loyalty, and humbleness, the kind that is selfless and full of compassion. Many relationships end over the smallest of offenses that can fester and cause a wedge.


Thankfully, some people go together and socks and shoes, and they won’t give up on you no matter what comes your way or the challenges you face in life. How do you know if you’ve met the right partner and if their ability to see beyond your faults and love you for who you’re and who you be in the real deal?

How do I find the right and suitable partner in life? This is perhaps the most common question asked by a lots of people who are looking for that one partner they hope to spend their entire lifetime with, and be with forever till infinity.

It could be a youth, whether male or female who is looking for a partner. It could also be a person who has been heart broken once upon in a time and after healing, they are now looking for another better person who will be the perfect replacement for the damages.

The pursuit for the right partner has never and can never be that easy. For anyone who is happily married, there must have been and there must be certain things that are holding that marriage together. It takes the effort of both spouses to make the marriage stand. The same goes for those who are seeking to enter into the union of Relationship/Courtship and marriage.


While marriage may not be the ultimate goal of everyone pursuing a relationship, finding the right person to spend your time with, is always the desire of many people in life.

Someone whom you will spend time with sharing the best of moments and memories together, someone you will be happy being around with,

someone who will stand by you in good and in bad times,

someone who will always be by your side all the time, someone who love your perfect imperfections.

The person who is always your prayer item or your daily dream.

Here are a few techniques to consider if you would like to find the right partner in life:

(1) Be the right partner first

The fact that you are looking for the right person does not mean that you are the only one. Many others are also looking for the right partner as you do.

  • Therefore, before you start looking for the right partner, be the right partner by yourself and for yourself.

Firstly ask yourself;

Are you comfortable with the kind of person you are?

If not, do you think another person would be comfortable to be beside or around you?

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If there are any areas you need to address/adjust in your life, then do so immediately. Before you display that list of the things you would want in your partner please ensure that you have them as well and be perfect with it.

(2) Improve or work on yourself and endeavor to be the best.

In order to be the right partner, you have to deal with certain aspects of your life. You have to package yourself in the best way and possible way, not because you are a product but because you are a person that is of great worth.

If you need to improve your social skills, communication skills, etc.

Then go ahead and work on them. If you need to improve your character or posture, then work on your character. Your character is what markets you in a way. Just observe the areas of your life that need readjustments and do the necessary before it’s too late.

(3) Interact with people

How else can you find the right person unless you go ahead and get to know people? Feel free to interact with people from all social cadres without discrimination.

The one you despise could turn out to be your suitable partner. Alluding to the Bible, we can refer to that kind of a situation as, “The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone of the house.”

It is from the people you interact with that you will definitely meet the right partner, some even have the lucky of getting marry to their nextdoor. Yours is just to find out if indeed they are the right partner once they meet your criteria for the right person you are looking for, for the past days, months, or years.

(4) Realize that you can never have the perfect partner (Only God Is Perfect)

In order to easily find the right partner, the other important thing to consider is the fact that you will never find the perfect person. As long as we are on earth, you will meet people with flaws. People includes me and you so do not count yourself out of this.

Unless you are looking for the right person among angels, it will be upon you to embrace fellow men and women knowing that they may not be the best but you can make something good out of that union. We are meant to complement each other’s weaknesses.

(5) Have Faith That God Will Send You The Right Person At The Right Time In The Right Moment.

Have you ever felt like you’ve reached your breaking point? Like you can’t do it anymore and like you’ve had enough?

Enough of the wrong people entering your life, enough of trying to be strong and tough by yourself, enough of toxic assholes who want to ruin you down, enough of fraudsters, enough of failed relationships and enough of heartbreaks?

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Have you ever been one step away from completely giving up on love? One step from accepting that you’re not meant to fall in love and be loved and that you’ll never find your soulmate?

Well, this is exactly when you need to keep going. This is the moment in your life when all of your strength is tested and the moment when you have to be braver than ever before.

And you know why? Because this is God testing your faith and watching you.

I was discussing with a beautiful sisters few days ago how frustrated I was and how I’ve given up on anything marriage.

Because after my ex-wife left the marriage abandoned me and our 2 kids for over 3 years now, I’ve been trying to date some ladies and some have even introduced me to their parents… But once they get to know I’m a single father of 2 beautiful children, they go against the relationship and asks their daughter to call an end to the Relationship with me or they will disown them… Some of these ladies have wanted to still stick out their head and stand by me, but once their parents discovered we are still together, all hell is let loose.. So I’ve lost four potential lovely women of virtue simply because I’m a single father… So I was damn frustrated and I was sharing with this sister…

And after our chats… I heard in my mind…

This is God testing your faith and your desire for good things. God testing your ability to love and above all, testing your patience.

I assume you don’t believe this now but trust me when I tell you this: God has a plan for you and for everyone in this world. Yes, the truth is that sometimes we can’t grasp that plan but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

God has your entire life figured out. He has a woman prepared for you, a woman who is your destiny and a woman who is made only for you. Like they use to say; “There is a man for every woman and there is also a woman for every man”.

No, this lady won’t be perfect. However, she will be right for you and that is all that matters most right now in your life.

So to those of you who are already weary… God is keeping the right partner for you, and He/She will show up when the time comes….

He/she will be everything you were looking for, without even knowing it. He/she will be your other better half and your missing piece of the puzzle—someone to complete the parts of you which you didn’t know were missing.

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Have Faith That God Will Send You The Right Person At The Right Time.

However, you won’t meet this man/woman when you want to. He/she won’t enter your life just at the moment you find appropriate.

No, they will come to you once you become ready. He/she will come along once you become the person they needs and once you grows to be the personality you need.

And you know why? Because God always has the perfect timing.

He will send you the right person at the right time. It may happen when you start to think you’ve given up on love altogether or when you lose all hope that your forever person even exists.

It might happen after you go through a few more failed relationships which will serve as lessons to you. After you meet many more wrong guys or ladies who will serve as preparation for this one who is the only one right for you.

When this man or woman comes along, all of a sudden, everything you’ve experienced until that point will make perfect sense. You’ll see that your entire life was nothing more than part of a bigger scheme.

You’ll realize why all of those hardships had to happen to you and why all of those toxic people came near you at one point to destroy your feelings and emotions because if it weren’t for them, you’d never appreciate the right ones you hardly get.

When this person comes along, all of a sudden, you’ll understand why it didn’t work out with any of your exes. You’ll be grateful for every time you were cheated on, for every time you got dumped and for every time you had your heart broken.

Grateful for all the closed doors and for every time you didn’t get what or who you wanted to be part in your life.

Grateful for all those times you thought you’d lost someone who you thought was the one for you and grateful for all your struggles.

You’ll be grateful for every obstacle along the way and for every stepping stone that brought you here so far. For all the difficulties and challenges you had to face and encounter along the way because you’ll be aware that if things hadn’t turned out exactly the way you want or they did you wouldn’t have reached this point.

So, please, don’t fall into despair and do not give up on yourself.

I promise you, just be calm and your light at the end of the tunnel awaits you, despite all the darkness that is surrounding you now.

Just be patient and have faith. Have faith in God, for He always knows what He is doing.

And please, have faith in yourself.


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