Home lifestyle How to Hold Chopsticks the right way

How to Hold Chopsticks the right way


It might be difficult to get the hang of chopsticks if you don’t know how to hold them. However, if you’d love to appreciate Japanese cuisine, you do need to learn how to hold chopsticks.

I’ll thoroughly explain all that has to do with using chopsticks and using them alright in this article. You mustn’t stop reading! 


how to hold chopsticks


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5 Quick Steps on How to Hold Chopsticks

Relax and follow these steps properly, they’re straightforward to use.

  • Pick up the chopsticks from the table with the rear of your hand towards you. Use whichever hand suits you. Then squeeze the chopsticks together softly with your non-dominant hand. This will align them completely parallel to each other.
  • After, Adjust the posture of your dominant hand. When you’re done, use your semi-hand to steady the chopsticks. Keep both chopsticks in the loop between your index and middle fingers, until you’re ready to eat. 
  • Next, position your first stick so that the tip end is against the narrow end of your fourth finger and the top portion is snuggled in the cleft between your forefinger and thumb. At this point, avoid changing the chopstick once you’ve got it where you want it.
  • The next line of action is to shift the second chopstick between your thumb and index fingers’ top first knuckles. Then you’d hold the inside edge of the chopstick with the tip of your thumb. 
  • To create a fulcrum for the upper chopstick, use the top of your thumb to give just enough counter-pressure for it to spin.
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Another base’s sole purpose is to support the bottom chopstick. So note that attempting to integrate your thumb into the swing will only maximize your odds of tripping.

That concludes the procedure. You only need a little more practice and you’d be able to use them like a pro. Not only that, you’d be able to brag and display your new abilities (holding chopsticks) at your next dinner party!

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