
DBE BEEI Phase 4 Teaching Assistant Stipend and Payroll Signing

Assistant Teacher Nursery School Wonderland Nursery School Sandton Gauteng

About 270 000 Jobs Available Now for Teachers Assistants – you could work at a school near where you live – and be paid more than R4000 per month as a salary! Read our article to see how to apply for the teacher’s Assistant vacancies.

Assistant Teacher


The Director-General of Basic Education approved that the stipend for Phase 4 (IV) be kept the same as the stipend for Phase 3 (III). The reason is that Phase IV falls in two financial years; also, the Minister of Employment and Labour announces the approved National Minimum Wage end of February, which will delay the finalization of the Implementation Framework.


The Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI) was created under the Basic Education Sector to help young people in South Africa find work.

The schools should ensure that stipends are in the individual assistants’ accounts by the 25th of each month. This date should be reflected on the payslip which must be given to the youth 2 – 3 days before the payday. This will assist the youth to know when their stipends will be in their accounts.

Schools are to pay stipends using the electronic fund transfer (EFT) facility into the accounts of youth. There should be NO CASH PAYMENTS of stipends or data allocation.

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