Home Article Deductibles



Deductibles are important parts of insurance as a whole. Basically, it does not matter what type of insurance you purchased.

From homeowner insurance down to health insurance and over to life insurance, deductibles will always remain an important clause on your policy plan.


It’s a part of your contract that helps you to help your insurance company. More so, deductibles often vary by age and income level. That’s another reason why it’s important to shop around before you become committed to a company.


For clarification, take, for example, you had an emergency and rushed to the hospital, if your deductible is up to date, your insurance company takes up your medical bills for whatever reason that took you to the hospital.

What is a deductible?

A deductible is an amount you must pay out-of-pocket for your coverage costs before your insurance company will cover the rest of the costs.

Moreover, it does not only apply to medical insurance. You pay for it in your other insurance coverage, including auto insurance.

Furthermore, deductibles come in different flavors. For example, your deductibles can vary depending on the type of insurance you have.  


By the way, the amount you pay in deductible is largely dependent on your premiums. When you have higher premiums, your deductibles become lower.

Additionally, according to your insurance company and your type of coverage, most deductibles begin to accrue on January 1 each year, and payments must be paid in full by a certain date.

So, different insurance companies typically list it under the heading of “premiums” or “premium-only plan costs,” but they can also be listed under another heading.

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How insurance deductible works

Deductibles are the portion of costs you cover before your insurance company begins to pay. It is a clause in your insurance policy that holds you down to your insurance company. For clarification, it is a way these companies share the cost of your financial responsibility with you.

Your insurance policy always requires you to pay a certain amount of money first out of your pocket for your coverage, first. After that, your insurance policy pays for all or part of your expenses. Importantly, this payment has a lot to do with your premiums and insurance.

Deductibles and insurance coverage

Deductibles and insurance coverage are part of each other. For example, deductibles refer to the amount of money you owe toward financial bills before your insurance company begins to cover costs.

On the other hand, insurance coverage refers to the number of expenses that your insurance company will cover. In general, the most important difference is that while deductibles are applied to bills, insurance coverage is applied to services.

Medical insurance deductibles, Out of pockets, and co-pays

Out-of-pocket is the maximum insurance companies allow patients to pay towards covered expenses. so say that’s the maximum you will only have to pay. Now, this maximum amount comes in only once a year. Once you pay it off, your insurance company pays for your coverage in full.


Co-payments are still your part of responsibility in your insurance policy. Co-pays are a fixed out-of-pocket amount of money you must pay as an insurance policyholder. This money is for your coverage that is mainly geared towards your health coverage.

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However, your co-pays are not dependent on deductibles.


This payment comes in after you meet and pay up your deductible. So, your insurance company foots 80% of your medical bills after you pay a coinsurance of 20%.

Furthermore, aside from deductibles, coinsurance and co-pays are more in line with your health insurance policies. But your deductibles remain a better part of other types of insurance plans.

Types of deductibles

As there are several types of insurance coverage, so are there several types of deductibles. This includes homeowners insurance deductible, auto insurance, and down to health insurance. 

Also, the amount of the deductible may be fixed or it may be a percentage of the total cost. And your choice of deductible will affect your premium, so it’s important to choose an amount you’re comfortable with.

Benefits of deductibles

Deductibles may be high but it is very beneficial and relevant to both the policyholder and the insurance company.


There is a balance between how you pay for your emergency and how the provider pays for you. Deductible makes it easier for you to cover your financial expense with the help of your provider.

Quick response

When you pay up your deductibles as when due, it prompts your provider to quickly respond to your financial need as soon as possible. Especially when you pay for high deductibles.

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