
How to Get Synthetics Monitoring to Work in New Relic

Learn how to get synthetics monitoring to work in New Relic and optimize your application’s performance for seamless user experiences. Follow step-by-step instructions to set up and utilize synthetics monitoring effectively.

How to Get Synthetics Monitoring to Work in New Relic


Are you interested in improving your application’s performance and providing exceptional user experiences? Look no further than New Relic’s synthetics monitoring.

Synthetics monitoring in New Relic allows you to create scripted tests that simulate user interactions with your application and proactively identify potential issues.


By emulating real user behavior, you can gain valuable insights into your application’s performance and availability.

Here, we’ll guide you through the process of setting up and leveraging synthetics monitoring in New Relic. Let’s explore how you can make it work for you!

How to Get Synthetics Monitoring to Work in New Relic

To start utilizing synthetics monitoring in New Relic, follow these steps:

1. Selecting a Synthetic Monitor

a. Log in to your New Relic account and navigate to the ‘Synthetic’ section.


b. Choose the monitor type that best suits your monitoring requirements.

c. Provide the necessary details such as the monitor name, URL, and configuration options like runtime, SSL verification, and location selection.

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d. Save the monitor to activate it.

2. Accessing the Monitoring Summary Page

a. After setting up your synthetic monitor, access the monitoring summary page.

b. Click on the name of the monitor to view its current status.

c. If there are any critical alerts triggered by active incidents, click on the “critical alert” to investigate further.

d. Manage alert policies for all your monitors from this page, giving you centralized control over your monitoring setup.

3. Analyzing Monitor Results

Gain valuable insights into your web application’s performance by analyzing the results provided by the synthetic monitor.

a. Access the dedicated results page by navigating to the New Relic dashboard, selecting Synthetics, choosing your desired monitor from the Monitors tab, and clicking on Monitor followed by Results.

b. Explore detailed metrics and identify potential performance bottlenecks.

c. Sort and filter the results based on specific areas of interest or compare performance across different locations.

d. Utilize the “Network timings” graph to identify areas that require optimization.

4. Exploring Resource Load-Time Insights

Understand how different components of your website contribute to overall load time.

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a. Access the synthetic resources page by going to the New Relic dashboard, selecting Synthetics, choosing your desired monitor from the Monitors dropdown menu, and clicking on Monitor followed by Resources.

b. Review the comprehensive report on the impact of each resource, including images, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

c. Examine detailed metrics collected at runtime to identify the performance impact of third-party resources.

d. Evaluate the HTTP response codes for each resource.

5. Editing and Deleting Monitors

a. For editing a monitor, log in to your New Relic account and select the monitor you wish to modify.

b. Navigate to the Settings section and update the monitor’s name, URL, location, frequency, or other advanced options.

c. If you need to edit the monitor script for scripted browser and API test monitors, access the Script section.

d. To delete a monitor, locate the monitor in question, click on the General option, and select the “Delete” button.

Please note that deleting a monitor requires admin privileges.

What is the Purpose of Synthetic Monitoring?

Its purpose is to provide insights into the uptime and performance of critical business transactions and common paths within the application.

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By detecting short-term performance issues during development, businesses can proactively address and resolve them, ensuring a better user experience.

What are the Benefits of Synthetic Monitoring?

The benefits of synthetic monitoring include;

1. Proactively identify and resolve issues before impacting end users.

2. Establish baselines and benchmarks for expected application behavior.

3. Prepare for peak traffic seasons or new market expansions.

4. Monitor complex transactions and business processes.

5. Gain insights from the end users’ perspective.

6. Stay ahead of performance and availability problems.

7. Ensure a seamless user experience for your customers.

8. Optimize application performance and responsiveness.

9. Improve overall application reliability and uptime.

10. Mitigate potential revenue loss due to application failures.

By following the steps outlined, you can effectively set up and leverage synthetic monitoring to identify potential issues, analyze performance metrics, and take proactive measures to enhance your application.

With New Relic’s powerful monitoring capabilities, you can ensure that your applications consistently meet the expectations of your users.

Start utilizing synthetics monitoring in New Relic today and take your application performance to new heights!


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