Home Insurance Occupational accident insurance for truckers

Occupational accident insurance for truckers


Occupational accident insurance for truckers makes compensation readily available when a workplace injury puts a trucker in a bad condition. While we understand the risks of trucking operations, we can’t advise you to abandon the job that sponsors your daily bread.

However, we can point you in the direction of insurance plans to help you survive any peril. As a trucker, you are doing yourself a huge disservice by working without accident insurance.


Yes. It’s not compulsory, but there is a price to pay for this choice. For example, when a work-related accident suddenly puts you out of a job, funding your basic needs may be tougher than usual. 


That said, this accident insurance for truckers and owners of trucking businesses is essential for risk management. This article serves the sole purpose of helping you discover the need to make this plan a priority.

What is the need for occupational accident insurance for truckers?

Occupational accident insurance provides coverage for the effects of accidents truckers suffer while at work. This is different from a pension; it is not a reward but a compensation you get for injuries and accidents that occur on the job.

More so, an accident policy focuses on providing benefits for independent truckers, unlike a normal trucker’s insurance which covers liability coverage. Imagine an accident that leaves you with a broken leg, this means you have to quit your job temporarily to recuperate.

Consequently, you will have no source of income and huge medical bills to face. Should the accident take your life, then your family will be left with nothing but bills to pay.


However, when there’s occupational accident insurance, both independent contractors and their families get to enjoy financial protection. It helps to cushion the challenges that follow workplace accidents with flexible coverage options.

Features of occupational accident insurance for truckers

Here are the features of an accident coverage plan:

  • Part of lost wages
  • Medical expenses depending on the injury
  • Temporary or permanent disability benefits
  • Death, accident, and dismemberment benefits

Benefits of occupational accident insurance for truck drivers

With this accident insurance, truckers get to face their recuperation without worries. Most truckers’ insurance companies also provide physiotherapy programs to assist you through recovery. However, there are other benefits you can explore with this plan.


Financial protection

It’s easier to recover without the burden of medical expenses around your neck. With this insurance, independent truckers with no access to workers’ benefits can afford to settle bills.

Accidental death coverage

Among the problems truckers may encounter on the job, death deserves the most attention. Tragically, truck drivers are prone to fatal accidents that may take their lives.

In cases like this, accident insurance provides relief to their dependents who have no means of regular income.

Attract and retain talent

Professional drivers only want to work with Quality employers who care for employee well-being. Therefore, you need this policy to attract expert truckers to your business.

Replacement of perishables

This is important if you are hauling perishables or valuable goods. With a plan in place to cover risks, you can easily avoid lawsuits or extra expenses.

Business growth

If you own a trucking business, it is easier to turn your employees into allies when they know you care about them. With this in mind, an insurance plan will boost workers’ delivery which will in turn improve your business operations.


Overall, occupational accident insurance for truckers does not benefit only individuals behind large vehicles. This policy also covers owners of trucking businesses. If you need details on why this plan is essential, this article supplies more than enough information.


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