Home Knowledge Your Life Needs Attention

Your Life Needs Attention


If you don’t want to be disappointed, keep this in mind. Be prepared to have the most unexpected people let you down. It’s bound to happen at some stage. Amid all this, be yourself and spread goodness as much as possible but don’t expect goodness from everyone.


Those who succeed eventually are the ones who don’t get discouraged when things don’t work out initially. They know the Almighty’s in control. They don’t allow a setback to bother them. They trust that it’s His way of setting them up for something bigger and better!



Don’t take anything for granted because you never know when you’ll have it for the last time. Life is a precious gift, cherish every moment. It’s truly such a blessing to be alive and to be able to impact so many lives. You’ll never know whose life you’re touching.


It’s a fact that some people just won’t like you or appreciate you. That’s okay. You don’t need people’s approval to fulfill what the Almighty has decreed for you. His approval is all you need in this life and you’ll know it in your heart because it feels right!



Always remind yourself that everything in this world is temporary. People come & go. Feelings change constantly. Places don’t last. Here today, gone tomorrow. Attach your heart to the One who gives everlasting peace! Only the Almighty is a constant in this temporary life.



Marriage is a lot about give and take and sacrifice. It will fail if you start competing with your spouse. It’s not about who’s the stronger person. It’s about who’s willing to compromise and do more to make the other happy. Remember, it’s the little things that go a long way.

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Take time off your busy schedule often & reflect on your life. It’s so easy to get caught up in this worldly web that we often forget where we’re headed. Learn to see the wisdom behind every pain & struggle life has thrown at you. There’s no need to be bitter and revengeful.


How can we possibly give up hope in the Almighty’s Mercy? In fact, to give up hope is an insult to Him of the highest magnitude. He has more Mercy than all of the creation combined and it will not diminish His Mercy if He shows it to the entire creation.


Nobody said this life would be easy. There are many pitfalls along the way. But no matter how many times you fall and what you go through, you can count on the Almighty to get you back up, if you only turn to Him. He’s only a call away; waiting to hear from you!


Those whose hearts are attached to the Almighty don’t waste time looking at what everybody else is doing, what others have & what’s going on in their lives. Such people mind their own business. They’re too busy focusing on what He has put in their lives to bother with others.


You see a huge obstacle in front of you but you forget that the greater the trial, the bigger the reward. Don’t be discouraged by what you see. The Almighty won’t test you beyond your capabilities. Stay firm. Out of your struggles, your faith will emerge stronger than before!

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Remain polite at all times. Even if you disagree with someone, there are ways to do it respectfully. There’s no need to resort to name calling, cursing, abusive and foul language. There’s no justification to mock and insult others. Remember, leave the judging to the Almighty.


Why do we often worry that someone else will get what’s meant for us? It won’t happen. The Almighty knows what He’s doing. No one can take away what’s meant for the other person. Remember, He can open doors which no man can shut!


Not everyone would like you to succeed. Some may throw dirt in your path. That’s to be expected. Don’t worry. Brush it off, shake it off. Get up again. That’s the mark of a true champion. Ignore the naysayers. Keep moving forward. You’ll get there soon.


We spend half our lives trying to figure others out & almost the other half judging their behaviours as if we don’t have enough on our plates already. Remember, everyone has untold stories of pain & struggle. So stop judging and be more understanding.


You can’t be truly happy till you learn to ignore the gossip, empty chatter and unkind words hurled at you. Remember that empty vessels make loud noises. Learn to disregard the noise and attach your heart to the One who controls it. You’ll be in a happy state.


Almighty. On this blessed day, we ask You to make it easy for us to do good and help us avoid the bad in all situations. Grant us success in this life and the next. Bless us all, guide us, and unite our hearts. Make us among those who put their full trust in You for everything!

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Almighty. On this blessed day, accept the deeds that we do solely for Your Sake. We are trying our best. We’re not perfect and often we falter and make mistakes. Forgive us. We will never lose hope in Your Mercy and will always keep our hearts attached to Your words!

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