Home Article Waist Beads: What You Should Know

Waist Beads: What You Should Know


How to wear waist beads

Waist beads have the potential to change your life! Do you ever wish someone in particular would pay you more attention, or that the opposite sex would pay you more attention? So, how about waist beads? They were designed to draw attention to your waist and hips in a modest manner, and they may be worn by any girl or woman! Waist-beads are one of the newest fashion trends to catch our notice, and I’m sure they’ll be a lot of fun to wear this year and in the future! so, you may be wondering and eager to ask whether you are supposed to show your waist beads?


They’re everywhere, but Bowden, owner of Creative Waist Beads by Journey Armon (her children’s names) in Oakland, says they’re not for show. “Waist beads are worn under clothing in African custom,” she explained. “They’re for you,” says the narrator. It’s a private matter.

What are waist beads?


Waist beads are little glass beads strung on a string or wire that are worn around the waist or hips as a traditional African ornament. They come in a variety of colors and shapes, with ornamental stones, gems, and charms included. Women in several West African communities have worn waist beads for ages.

Why do individuals put them on in the first place?

  • weight awareness
  • maturity
  • fertility and intimacy
  • posture
  • pride and heritage
  • sexual attraction
  • body ornament and as a symbol of love.

Wearing waist beads

How to wear waist beads

The most comfortable place to wear waist beads is along your pantyline, under your belly button. Most women wear their beads under their garments, against their skin. They make waist beads to tolerate clothing friction while remaining soft on your skin.

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Some ladies wear them over their garments to complement a long skirt or dress, or against their skin with a cropped top or low-rise pants.


Wrap the entire strand of waist beads around your waist and pantyline (or however high up you want to wear the beads). Remove any remaining beads from the string by tugging them off.

Make 3-4 tight knots at the end of the beads. I’d also recommend tying the two together.

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