Home Article Long-Term Disability Insurance Benefits

Long-Term Disability Insurance Benefits


LTD insurance, or long-term disability insurance, is a type of insurance that an employer often offers to its employees. LTD coverage covers many impairments, not only those caused by a work-related injury or employment. There are so many long-term disability insurance benefits, and this post will show you how to receive them.

Steps for Applying for Long-Term Disability Insurance benefits

Engage a Long-Term Disability Attorney

Firstly, you must have discovered your impairment and received medical treatment. The next step is to hire a long-term disability attorney who can guide you through the application process. An attorney can help you with each stage of the application process. Furthermore, they’ll ensure that you have all the required documents and documentation.


Examine the time limits in your policy

The next step is to review the time constraints for submitting a long-term disability insurance application in your insurance policy. Importantly, if you don’t file for long-term disability benefits within the stipulated period, it may deny your payments.

Examine your policy’s definition of disability


Understand your insurer’s definition of impairment. Some guidelines stipulate that a person must be totally disabled before obtaining LTD benefits. Others will only hire those who are partially disabled. 

Hence, find out what your insurance policy covers.

File an Employee Statement

The application procedure for LTD compensation varies greatly depending on your insurance insurer. On the other side, most insurance companies will need you to provide an employee statement. The employee statement will include your information basics, like your name, address, primary care physician, medical information, etc.

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Seek medical help and collect evidence

You should petition for LTD compensation as soon as you and your doctor agree that your disability is severe enough. Notably, this typically happens three months after you stop working or less. Finally, remember that obtaining medical documentation is one of the most critical components of your LTD claim.



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