Home Article How To Boil Eggs In 4 Simple Steps

How To Boil Eggs In 4 Simple Steps


How to boil eggs

The biggest problem seen by most people when boiling eggs is that it’s easily over-cooked or not well-cooked. This makes the egg have a dark green colour in the yolk or sometimes, have a sulphuric taste.


In this article, we will show you our method on how to boil eggs to ensure your eggs comes out properly boiled

How to boil eggs

1. Put the eggs in a pot with water in it


Put the eggs in a single row of the pot. Fill the pot with 1 inch of water above the eggs. The more eggs there are in the pot, the more water you should put in it.

2. Bring the water to a rolling boil.

Some people find adding 1/2 teaspoon of lemon water or salt avoids the eggs from cracking. It also makes the eggshell easier to come off.

3. Turn the burner off and Let the water stay for 12 minutes on it.

If your burner doesn’t preserve heat after being turned off, you can lower the burner for a minute and turn it off after.

Having nicely boiled eggs depends on how you love it. It should be perfectly ready in 12 minutes.


Boiling the eggs can be a few minutes lesser if you don’t want your eggs entirely hard cook. If you find a cooking setting, time, pots, and burner that suits your taste, always use it.

4. Pour cold water into the eggs after draining the water from the pot.

Many people prefer removing the eggs with a spoon and placing in a bowl of iced water. You can choose your most preferable method to peel your eggs.

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The best and most favourable way to store boiled eggs is in a covered plate inside the refrigerator. You should eat them within five days to avoid spoilage.

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