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We conducted a study to identify the types of intervention strategies most likely to fit the needs and preferences of abused women in Lima, Perú. We expect that findings from this study will help to inform the design of intervention programs relevant to reducing the prevalence and impact of IPV among women in Lima, Perú. A strength of our proposed two-tiered intervention strategy is that it seeks to empower women at the individual, relationship and community level within the ecological framework. We demonstrate that individuals, couples, communities, and both public and private institutions working in partnership across the nested hierarchical framework are needed to prevent violence against women and mitigate the effects of violence in Perú. Financial dependence was endorsed as a tremendous obstacle for women to overcome when attempting to take steps towards leaving an abusive relationship.

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  • When riding in full buses, young people will almost always jump to their feet and offer their seats to older passengers.
  • Samoa23 January 1984Peru and Samoa established relations on 23 January 1984.
  • They also endorsed the notion that peers — other women who have had experiences with IPV are likely to have a greater influence and be more effective advisors to women.
  • Standing at the eastern end of the valley is Pisac, famous for its market and superb Inca fortress set on the mountainside high above the town of Ollantaytambo.
  • This law superseded the Peruvian supreme decree 781 for same purpose from 1947, which had autolimited its maritime border to geographical parallels only.

If you are having trouble seeing or completing this challenge, this page may help. If you continue to experience issues, you can contact JSTOR support. Although Peru’s national drink and claim to fame is Pisco, beer is by far the cheapest and most popular alcoholic drink. Most Peruvians enjoy partying, socializing, and having fun and alcohol is an accepted part of life, even with parents drinking with kids etc.

Focus groups of three to eight participants are generally referred to as mini-focus; and are regarded as being consistent with facilitating more personal and detailed sharing (Krueger & Casey, 2000), critical for a very sensitive topic of discussion. We scheduled focus groups at various times and days during the week at two hospitals and at the battered women’s shelter to offer participants maximum flexibility for their schedules.

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A nurse at the clinic in each of the hospitals and a staff member of the women’s shelter approached women to determine their interest in learning more about the study. Interested women were then introduced to one of the research team members. Our finding that leaving may not be the ultimate goal for many women, concurs with those of another study (Peled, Eisikovits, Enosh, & Winstok, 2000). A key characteristic of the two-tiered intervention strategy is to respect each woman’s autonomy in the decision-making process and not to offer a prescription to women. It is each woman’s responsibility and right to make the decision of whether and how to progress towards an abuse-free environment or not. As such, women should be encouraged to consider coexisting issues and multiple options besides leaving the relationship.

We are grateful to the study participants and staff at the hospitals and battered women’s shelter. Participants endorsed the fact that women need continued compassionate support and encouragement to take action, seek help, and consider a non-violent life. The encouragement has to be continuous and frequent, as the route to non-violence is fraught with difficulties, which the women themselves brought to the discussion. The qualitative research approach provides a deeper understanding of participants’ perspectives than traditional quantitative methods . The all-female field research team received training on participant recruitment and focus group facilitation prior to initiation of focus group meetings. This research was approved by the Institutional Review Boards of Hospital Dos de Mayo, Hospital Edguardo Rebagliati Martins, and the University of Washington, and the battered women’s shelter administrators. Intimate partner violence against women is a global public health problem and is one of the public health concerns in Perú.

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The second tier of the intervention would include providing women with in-depth one-on-one professional counseling when needed. Professional psychological and legal counseling can be offered by social workers, psychologists, battered women shelters’ staff, and lawyers.

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Our study expands the literature to include increased understanding of what abused women may want and need for intervention programs. Several limitations should be considered when interpreting our results. First, study participants were recruited from gynecology and family planning clinics and battered women shelters. Consequently, study results may not be generalizable to women who might have been recruited from settings such as mental health institutions, social organizations or governmental agencies. Second, our study design and size did not allow for making comparisons according to participant socio-demographic characteristics, or time spent in abusive relationships.

Four members of the research team reviewed the focus group transcripts and independently coded the transcripts using thematic codes consistent with the study aim (i.e., what women need and want in terms of intervention for IPV). They then compared their coding and discussed any differences in interpretation. The list of codes was iterative, and a final coding scheme was developed from the list and applied to all five transcripts (e.g., who women sought help from, friends, family, police). Text was examined for recurring themes, e.g., seeking psychological counsel.

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