
How To Teach The Children To Get Hygiene Education In Local Environment Of Ghana

Of the many children, only a handful have the awareness to pay attention to cleanliness. Be it personal hygiene or environmental hygiene. Therefore, hygiene education for children is necessary. Hygiene education for children is not only valuable for raising children’s awareness of cleanliness. But it is also helpful for children to learn responsibility for themselves and avoid various diseases. Therefore, this article discusses how to educate children about cleanliness, what is essential to parents and the school, and why maintaining cleanliness is necessary.





Ways of hygiene education for children

As mentioned earlier, there are ways to educate children about cleanliness that parents or the school can use. So what are these ways? Here is the rating!





1. Provide disposal media

The first way to sensitize children to cleanliness is to provide disposal media in the form of rubbish bins. This is a great way to start teaching kids not to leave litter. Please provide two types of bins, organic and non-organic. The two types of trash cans are helpful for children to learn about the different kinds of trash and how to classify them. Apart from that, you can also mark the trash can in pictures to help kids learn. If this is done regularly, the children will get used to not leaving any rubbish behind.


2. Lead by example with them

Hygiene education for children that you can do next is an excellent example for children. Children prefer to imitate an action rather than be given a verbal understanding. Therefore, if you teach children to dispose of the garbage in its place, you must also get used to doing the same. In this way, children will imitate what you do, throwing garbage in its place. One way to do this is by picking up the junk around you. You can include advice or instructions for children to do something similar to what you did back then: pick up litter.

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3. Get in the habit of reminding each other

The third thing you can do when teaching kids about cleanliness is to get them used to remind each other. The trick is to convey an understanding that keeping the school or home environment clean is a shared responsibility. With this understanding, children will later better understand that the cleanliness of the environment must be maintained and is a shared responsibility, not an individual responsibility. Aside from that, it would help if you also encouraged the kids to remind each other when a friend forgets to throw trash in their place.


4. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the toilet

Paying attention to the cleanliness of the toilet and maintaining it is also a way of teaching children about cleanliness that you can use. Because there is no denying that the toilet is a measure of the cleanliness of a place. When used in the context of school, a school environment is considered clean and well-maintained when the school’s restrooms are clean and comfortable when in use, likewise with other places. Meanwhile, if the toilets at school are dirty and have an unpleasant odor, then it is certain that the school environment is dirty and unkempt. So always remind children to keep the toilet clean wherever they are. The way that kids do it is very simple: flush the toilet until it is clean after using it. Then wash your hands thoroughly immediately after leaving the toilet.

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5. Familiarize yourself with the risks that arise from a lack of cleanliness

Fifth, by providing an understanding of the risks children face when they are not careful about cleanliness. Usually, people care for and protect themselves more when they know the risks of neglect, including children. When it comes to maintaining cleanliness, children will take better care of themselves and defend themselves if they already know about the risks of not maintaining cleanliness, namely various diseases. For example, itching, skin diseases, or other diseases that could affect you. For this reason, cleanliness is essential, not only for the environment but also for personal hygiene.


6. Cultivate the beauty and beauty of the environment

The next way to hygiene education for children is to preserve the beauty of the environment. Invite the children to plant plants or trees around the house or school. In this way, your surroundings will be not only beautiful but also visually appealing. In addition, children will be better at caring for and caring for the plants they plant.


7. Give praise as appreciation

Parents must take advantage of this, namely the praise of the children as appreciation for their efforts. Although, according to some experts, this should not be done as it makes children complacent. But praise is a positive thing that children receive. Because children will feel that their efforts and hard work are appreciated. Therefore, do not hesitate if you want to praise your child.

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8. Do it consistently

The last thing you need to do about hygiene education for children is consistently use every avenue to educate kids about cleanliness. Because habits cannot be formed quickly, you must do these things regularly for a long time. If you do it consistently, these things become a lifestyle for kids. If it becomes a way of life, the child will remember it for the rest of his life.


Reasons for providing hygiene education for children

So, in the previous discussion, you already know how to teach children hygiene. But do you know the reason for the importance of hygiene education for children? So, below, we’ve summarized some reasons why it’s essential to offer children hygiene education, especially for you. See together!



1. Provides positive energy

Hygiene education for children is essential. This is because it provides positive energy to the body. A clean body condition creates a positive mind so that you can work actively and well.



2. Develop a good personality

Providing hygiene education to children can also promote a good personality. This personality certainly grows from good habits carried out since childhood. One way is to keep it clean.


3. Avoid diseases

Early hygiene education for children makes them more aware of the importance of cleanliness. Because germs and diseases are invited when you and those around you are dirty. Therefore, hygiene education is essential so that children can take good care of their bodies and environment. So avoid all kinds of diseases.


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