




Broadly, maturity is the ability to respond to a situation in an age-appropriate manner. Furthermore, when someone is mature, they have the ability to make good decisions on their own, without being guided to them by a parent or another adult or guidance.


At what age maturity comes?

The age of majority, the most broadly applied legal threshold of adulthood, is typically characterized by recognition of control over oneself and one’s actions and decisions. The most common age threshold is 18 years of age, with thresholds ranging from 14 to 21 across nations and between provinces.

While some people says; Maturity doesn’t have a age range.

Is maturity a sign of intelligence?


As a concept, maturity hinges on two things: emotional experience, and learning from it. Information, maturity, experience, knowledge and wisdom are all learned, but intelligence is native.


Signs Of Maturity.

1. You notice and verbalize (with composure) when you’re wrong.

It’s far easier to get defensive and deny responsibility, or become overwhelmed with shame for our act of imperfection or ignorance. Being able to acknowledge when we’re in the wrong takes humility, self-compassion and courage.

2. You’re aware of your biases.

We all have innate biases and prejudices. It’s impossible not to: we’re socialized into a stereotyping world. So what’s important is learning to cultivate an active awareness of these biases and prejudices, and examine how they might influence our decisions and actions. Ask yourself where you might be practicing discrimination (subtly or unsubtly), and how you can begin to counter these ingrained behaviors.

3. You acknowledge your privilege and use it wisely.

I’m a white, able-bodied, heterosexual, educated, employed, English-speaking, fully-cognitive, physically and emotionally healthy Canadian of child-bearing age living in a safe neighborhood. Other than being born female, I’m pretty freaking privileged. I know this. I acknowledge that many things in life come more easily to me than someone who’s bearing multiple levels of oppression.

Sure, I sometimes use my privilege in ways that don’t actively help our society. But I also try to take advantage of it, to do what I perceive will make the world a better place — such as educating others, or empowering and amplifying the voices of those whose perspectives are dismissed due to oppression. Ignoring that privilege and oppression exist is a passive way of reinforcing it. Knowing how and when to stand behind those whom society tells us to dismiss often comes alongside self-betterment.

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4. You’ve created a space between feeling and reacting.

Through practicing mindfulness, we can increase the amount of time between feeling a particular emotion and reacting to it. We gain a sense of spaciousness with regard to how we observe our emotions — rather than clinging to our feelings immediately and reacting instinctively, we learn how to first observe, and then react more carefully and productively.

5. You knowingly allow yourself to be vulnerable and allow difficult feelings in.

Perfectionism tells us to stay in a box where we feel comfortable, certain and in control. It tells us to manipulate our environments so we never feel vulnerable, needy or uncertain. It keeps us safe from our fears of failing, embarrassing ourselves or getting rejected. And sadly, many of us miss out on a lot of life because of this. So if you’ve felt uncomfortable feelings lately, and acknowledged them, you’re growing in the right direction, even if your perfectionistic impulses are telling you otherwise.

6. You’re compassionate to yourself and others.

Judgment is at the heart of hate. It is what fuels unhealthy relationships with ourselves and others. If you’ve learned or are learning how to be more compassionate, not just to others but also to yourself, you’re moving closer to enlightenment.

7. You know when, who, and how to ask for help.

Clients often emphasize how they want to “be independent” and “not to rely on anyone.” And yet they’ve come to therapy, which in itself is a (usually wise) act of asking for help. Knowing when to reach out isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of courage and resourcefulness.

8. You know when to quit and when to persevere.

I once did a Vipassana retreat that involved 10 days of no talking, reading, writing, music, exercise or eye contact — and very little sleeping. Had it not been for my ego, I would have left after day five — day two, even. For the most part, I didn’t find the practice serving and was not enjoying myself. Looking back, I know it was the fear of being perceived as a “quitter” that kept me there. Oftentimes, we let our ego drive our behavior and the outcome is destructive. Knowing when to go into Child’s Pose, to close your computer for the day, or to end a relationship are all signs of healthy boundaries and emotional intelligence.

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9. You’ve realized the more you know, the less you know, and you’re OK with it.

Zen teacher Shunryu Suzuki says, “In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities; in the expert’s mind there are few.” Those of us who believe we know everything have not much room for possibility and knowledge. This is why the idea of enlightenment is such a paradox: the closer toward this elusive concept we move, the more elusive we realize it truly is. Yet being able to rest in the discomfort of uncertainty is where growth becomes truly evident.

Some of these “signs” might resonate for you. Some might show you where you could be more intentional in your practice of self-inquiry. Regardless of where you are in your journey, remember we’re all imperfect and we all have moments of mindlessness and ignorance. Ultimately, it’s being able to notice, acknowledge and reflect upon those moments that lends to personal growth. Have compassion for yourself in the process. We’re all in this together.


What does maturity mean in humans?

Maturity is the state of being fully developed or adult. Humans experience a delayed maturity; we arrive at all stages of life later than other mammals. Synonyms: adulthood, majority, completion, puberty More Synonyms of maturity.


1. Set goals.

If you don’t know what you’re aiming for, how do you plan to get there? Mature and responsible people set clear goals. Goal setting allows you to target your energy and focus on activities that will help push you towards what you want to achieve.

2. Practice self-control.

Learning how to control your actions and your emotions is a sign of maturity. When you let your emotions control your actions, things can get out of hand quickly. Learning to analyze and manage your behavior can be challenging, but transformative.

3. Stay persistent.

Maturity is a marathon, not a sprint. To become mature and responsible takes commitment and persistence. Embracing personal growth will help give you the motivation you need to work hard and chase your goals.

4. Respect other people’s opinion.

People have different views on different topics. Respecting the beliefs and viewpoints of others without judgement is a sign that you are understanding. Even if you don’t agree with someone’s opinion, giving them the courtesy to hear them out shows that you are mature and open minded.

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5. Build self-confidence.

It takes a strong sense of self confidence to manage all of the moving parts to a successful life. Never underestimate what you are capable of and love yourself for who you are. A great way to gain confidence is to do things that are outside of your comfort zone.

6. Take ownership.

Instead of taking responsibility, many people look for other places to lay blame for their circumstances. Recognizing failure as an opportunity to learn and grow will give you the right attitude and will teach you how to be a stronger person.

7. Listen more.

Most people tend to treat conversation like a competitive sport, but this approach is the opposite of the one you should be taking. Listening is a sign of maturity because when you listen, you develop a greater understanding.

8. Avoid negativity.

Negativity creates a range of emotions that are not going to help you grow. Mature and responsible people usually air on the side of positivity. Positivity will help you get through difficult situations and overcome the obstacles life is bound to throw at you.

9. Make sacrifices.

A sign of maturity is being responsible enough to make sacrifices for the good of others, or for the future without any resentment. Responsible people understand that sometimes gratification needs to be delayed now in order to attain a future outcome.

10. Give back.

Giving back is the ultimate sign of maturity. When you give back your time, knowledge, or effort to other people it shows that you’ve reached a place where you can afford to shift your focus from yourself onto others.

Advance Tips On Maturity.

1. Maturity is the ability to control anger, and settle differences without violence of destruction.

2. Maturity is patience, to give and do unto others, what you wanted from them

3. Maturity is perseverance, sweating out a project despite setbacks.

4. Maturity is unselfishness, responding to the needs of others.

5. Maturity is the capacity to face unpleasantness and disappointment without becoming bitter.

6. Maturity is humility. A mature person is able to say “I was wrong.” and when he/she is proved right he/she does not have to say, I told you so.

7. Maturity means dependability, integrity, keeping one’s word.

8. Maturity is the ability to live in peace with things we cannot change.


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