17+ Scholarships for Congo Students to Study in UK 2023

Are you a student looking for Scholarships or funds to carry on your educational needs? If yes, 17+ Scholarships for Congo Students to Study in UK is available for various course levels and the scholarship is offered by different universities and colleges.

17+ Scholarships for Congo Students to Study in UK


The 17+ Scholarships for Congo Students to Study in UK and grants are for both local and international students. So interested students should start now and search for the courses that suit them.

Applications for 17+ Scholarships for Congo Students to Study in UK are now open. Just take your time and go through this post, as this article has arranged every detail you need and listed the top Nursing scholarships for national and international students.

How to Apply for 17+ Scholarships for Congo Students to Study in UK

Here are some brief descriptions of the top 17+ Scholarships for Congo Students to Study in UK.

About the Scholarship for Congo Students to Study in the UK


15 Countries to Work and Study in 2023

These Universities offer knowledge and skills which are applicable and adaptable to situations requiring international interactions. This gives the student(s) an edge over those that studied back home in the competitive Global Labour market.

Uk, as we all know, has also developed to be one of the best study nations of the world, also with a conducive environment to suit your taste and also your desire to be academically successful.

Studying abroad may also be one of the beneficial experiences for a college student. By studying abroad, students are opportune to study in a foreign nation and take in the allure and culture of new land, and is best when you are covered on a full scholarship.

For a variety of reasons, the UK is one of the best choice destinations for international students to study abroad, most especially for students in Congo seeking scholarships abroad.

Notwithstanding, One thing that stands between you and this goal is the cost of studying abroad. But never worry, here are the top 17 Scholarships in the UK for Congo students and other foreign nationals.

These Scholarships are open to students seeking an opportunity in both Undergraduate, Masters’sPh.D., and Postdoctoral degrees.

Don’t miss any of these Scholarships opportunities. You can actually open any of these opportunities on a new tab.

Therefore, if you are a student in Congo or any other international student searching for any of the following opportunities listed below, go through the links to find a scholarship best suitable for you. Some of these Scholarships are available for Congo students in the UK.

Top Scholarships for Congo Students to Study in the UK 

1. University of Westminister’s Colin Matheson Scholarship 

Host/Eligible Nationality

Colin Matheson has dedicated over 30 years of loyal service to the University of Westminster and established the University’s scholarship program. This has grown into one of the biggest of its kind in the UK. Before his retirement in 2015, he had spent over a decade as Director of Scholarships, helping thousands of students from all over the world to achieve their goal/aim of studying in any program of their choice in the UK. A student from Congo is not exempted from this great Opportunity.

Field/Level of Study:

The scholarship is available to aspiring students who seek to pursue a Master’s degree in Congo and all other foreign Nationals.

Scholarship Worth
Full tuition fee award, accommodation, living expenses, and flights to and from London.

2. University of Birmingham Commonwealth Shared Scholarships 

Host/Eligible Nationality

The University of Birmingham is glad to offer this scholarship in partnership with the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK (CSC) for students from Congo and other developing Commonwealth countries who would not otherwise be able to study in the United Kingdom.

Field/Level of Study:

The scholarship is available to aspiring students who seek to pursue a Postgraduate taught Masters degree in Congo and all other foreign Nationals.

Scholarship Worth
The award is financed jointly by the University and the DFID. This award covers the listed below: Full tuition fees, Maintenance stipend, Airfare to and from the United Kingdom, Immigration Health Surcharge costs, A one-off arrival allowance payment of approximately £950, Thesis expenses of £225, Study travel grant up to £200, Excess baggage allowance for books up to 10kg on the return flight

Visit the Scholarship page for more information

3. Marshal Papworth Scholarship at Harper Adams University 

Host/Eligible Nationality

The Marshal Papworth scholarship helps talented individuals from developing countries to grow themselves out of hunger so that they and their fellow countrymen benefit from a more sustainable future.

Field/Level of Study:

The scholarship is available to aspiring students who seek to pursue a Masters degree in Congo and all other foreign Nationals.

Scholarship Worth

The scholarship is offered in collaboration with Harper Adams University and offers a scholarship amount of £23,350 which comprises the listed below:

  • £13,350 payment for tuition fees
  • £10,000 for living expenses

Application Link
Visit the Scholarship page for more information

4. University of Chicago Data Science for Social Good Summer Fellowship 2022

Host/Eligible Nationality

Applications for the 2023 programs are now open. We’re running DSSG at Warwick-London (run by University of Warwick and Alan Turing Institute) and DSSG at Imperial College London. This application is open to all interested Congo student who has the desire to study abroad and all other developing countries.

Field/Level of Study:


Scholarship Worth

The fellowship is been paid. These stipends are fixed but vary by the cost of living of the fellowship location

Application Link
Visit the Scholarship page for more information

5. SOAS University of London – Commonwealth Shared Masters Scholarships in the UK

Host/Eligible Nationality

SOAS, University of London is awarding Commonwealth Shared scholarships to Congo students and other students from developing countries wishing to undertake select Masters courses at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS).

Field/Level of Study:

The scholarship is available to aspiring students who seek to pursue a Masters degree in Congo and all other foreign Nationals.

Scholarship Worth

The Commission funds the cost of tuition fees (at the overseas rate), return airfares and other allowances and SOAS also supports the student stipend for the award holders.
The scholarships are shared with the International Student House (ISH), which provides free accommodation at ISH.  The scholarships also provide a little contribution in food vouchers.

Application Link
Visit the Scholarship page for more information

6. Westminster Business School Fully-funded Scholarship 

Host/Eligible Nationality

The University of Westminster offers tremendous scholarship awards aimed at fully funding a student from a developing country intending to study a full-time Masters degree at the University. Congo Student is not left out on this.

Field/Level of Study:

The scholarship is available to aspiring students who seek to pursue a Masters degree in Congo and all other foreign Nationals.

Scholarship Worth

The Scholarship offers a full tuition fee award, accommodation, living expenses and flights to and from London.

Application Link
Visit the Scholarship page for more information

7. LSHTM Commonwealth Shared Scholarships 

Host/Eligible Nationality

This year, the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) is offering TEN awards. 9 for MSc Public Health for Eye Care programme and 1 for MSc Nutrition for Global Health programme. This Scholarship is made open to Congo students and other foreign Nationals.

Field/Level of Study:

The scholarship is available to aspiring students who seek to pursue a Master’s degree in Congo and all other foreign Nationals.

Scholarship Worth

Each scholarship award will provide the following as listed below:

Tuition fees (at the overseas fee rate), GBP 1,330.00 monthly maintenance stipend, GBP 421.00 warm clothing allowance, GBP 200.00  study travel grant, GBP 225.00 thesis grant, CSCUK-approved airfare from the student’s home country to the United Kingdom, and return home at the end of the award.

Application Link
Visit the Scholarship page for more information for the public health for eye care programme and this Scholarship page for Nutrition for Global Health program.

8. University of St Andrews Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme (CSSS) 

Host/Eligible Nationality

The Commonwealth Shared Scholarships are a joint initiative between the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (with funding from DFID) and UK universities, to support scholarships for students from Congo and least developed, low, and lower middle income Commonwealth countries who would not otherwise be able to study in the UK.

Field/Level of Study:

This Scholarship is available to aspiring students who seek to pursue Masters students

Scholarship Worth

This Scholarship Includes tuition fees, inward and homeward airfares, monthly stipend, arrival allowance, thesis grant and a study travel grant.

Application Link
Visit the Scholarship page for more information

9. British Association of International and Comparative Education (BAICE) Compare Fellowship  

Host/Eligible Nationality

BAICE has opened applications for its annual Compare Fellowship, to support early career academics from the Global South in disseminating their research and scholarship to a global audience.

Field/Level of Study:

Scholarships are available for those aspiring to pursue a research work

Scholarship Worth

This Scholarship will provide full financial support including: Travel, accommodation and subsistence.

Visit the Scholarship page for more information

10. Westminster University 50% Tuition Scholarships for International Students

Host/Eligible Nationality

The University of is offering a 50 percent tuition scholarship to Students from developing countries willing to undertake their Masters degree at the University.

Field/Level of Study:

Scholarship are available to aspiring students  who seek to pursue a Master’s degree in Congo and all other foreign Nationals.

Scholarship Worth

This Scholarship offers a 50% tuition fee only

Visit the Scholarship page for more information

11. University of Manchester President’s Doctoral Scholar (PDS) in Law 

Host/Eligible Nationality

The University of Manchester is offering the President’s Doctoral Scholar (PDS) for Congo Students and other meritorious international students 2023.

Field/Level of Study:

Scholarship are available to aspiring students who seek to pursue a PhD and Research in Congo and all other foreign Nationals.

Scholarship Worth

These awards are allocated to our most outstanding applicants seeking for PhD training opportunities starting from the academic year 2023-2023. All PDS awards will include full tuition fees, including where the program attracts higher tuition fees and an annual stipend of at least UKRI minimum stipend rate for 2023-2023 (TBC). The RCUK minimum stipend rate for was £14,764.

Visit the Scholarship page for more information

12. University of Sussex Masters Scholarship 2023 for African Students in Economics

Host/Eligible Nationality

The Economics Department at the University of Sussex is so delighted to offer an annual Masters scholarship for suitably qualified candidates from selected sub-Saharan African countries on either the Development Economics MSc or Economics MSc to study in UK.

Field/Level of Study:

Scholarships are available to aspiring students  who seek to pursue a Master’s degree in Congo and all other foreign Nationals.

Scholarship Worth

This scholarship includes the full payment of the overseas tuition fee and a maintenance grant worth about £10,000 but does not include travel expenses to and from the United Kingdom.

Visit the Scholarship page for more information

13. Canon Collins Trust Scholarships for Masters Study for Africans – UK

Host/Eligible Nationality

Canon Collins Trust invites applications from students from Congo, Southern Africa (Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe) for scholarships for Masters study.

Field/Level of Study:

The scholarship is available to aspiring students  who seek to pursue a Masters degree in Congo and all other foreign Nationals.

Scholarship Worth

This scholarship covers the following: Full tuition fees, a monthly stipend, a return economy flight, a settling-in allowance, and other support whilst in the UK.

Visit the Scholarship page for more information.

14. Durham University Hatfield Lioness Scholarship for Female Students from Developing Countries

Host/Eligible Nationality

The Hatfield Lioness Scholarship enables any female student from a developing country to benefit from undertaking postgraduate study at the University of Durham.

Field/Level of Study:

Scholarship are available to aspiring students  who seeks to pursue a Masters degree in Congo and all other foreign Nationals.

Scholarship Worth

This scholarship will cover the following listed below:

Full payment of University tuition fees, stipend for living expenses – 12 monthly payments, One return economy air ticket from the home country to the UK, and the cost of return travel between the UK airport and Durham City, Fully funded, self-catered, mixed accommodation at Hatfield College, ‘Settling in allowance’ on arrival, And cost of UK visa and the UK health surcharge.

Visit the Scholarship page for more information.

15. Fordham University Gabelli School of Business Travel Scholarship for Junior Faculty 

Host/Eligible Nationality

The AMA SERVSIG- Fordham University Gabelli School of Business Travel Scholarship program aims to provide financial support to a PhD student/junior faculty from a developing country in Asia, Africa or South America so he or she can attend the Frontiers in Service Conference, the premier global conference in the services field.

Field/Level of Study:

The Scholarship is available to aspiring students who seek to pursue a PhD degree in Congo and all other foreign Nationals.

Scholarship Worth

A total sum of $2000 scholarship to attend the Frontiers conference to present a paper

Visit the Scholarship page for more information.

16. Westminster University International Students House (ISH) Fully-funded Scholarships 

Host/Eligible Nationality

This scholarship is awarded jointly with International Students House (ISH) to students from developing countries studying at Westminster University for the 2023/2024 session.

Field/Level of Study:

The Scholarship is available to aspiring students who seek to pursue a Master’s degree in Congo and all other foreign Nationals.

Scholarship Worth

The Scholarship covers: Full tuition fee award, accommodation, living expenses and flights to and fro London

Visit the Scholarship page for more information.

17. University of Aberdeen International Undergraduate Scholarship for International Students

Host/Eligible Nationality

As part of our commitment to attracting the very best students to join our diverse international community, we are delighted to offer the University of Aberdeen International Undergraduate Scholarship to all developing countries.

Field/Level of Study:

The Scholarships are available to aspiring students who seek to pursue an Undergraduate degree in Congo and all other foreign Nationals.

Scholarship Worth

The Scholarship is worth one year’s tuition fee.

Visit the Scholarship page for more information.

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