Home Teaching Assistant Jobs of Assistant Teacher in THADELA TRADING

Jobs of Assistant Teacher in THADELA TRADING


About 270 000 Jobs Available Now for Teachers Assistants – you could work at a school near where you live – and be paid more than R4000 per month as a salary! Read our article to see how to apply for the teacher’s Assistant vacancies.

Assistant Teacher

Help teachers prepare lesson plans Set up necessary material for classes (e.g. projectors, chemistry sets)
Track student attendance and class schedules, Review material taught in class with individual students with learning challenges, Work with smaller groups of students for remedial teaching or reinforcing the learning process

Jobs of Assistant Teacher in Thadela Trading Requirements

  • Minimum education level: Grade 9 /N1

To be successful as a Trader, you should have in-depth knowledge of financial markets. A top-performing Trader should be able to make accurate judgment calls in respect of buying and selling securities. Buying and selling securities on behalf of the company. Evaluating trading algorithms.


Implementing effective trading strategies. Working with quantitative researchers to improve trading strategies. Recording and reporting each day’s profit and loss.

Regularly monitoring portfolios to ensure that they are guideline compliant. Keeping abreast with changes in the financial market.Assisting the company to attract new clients by maintaining and enhancing marketing materials.



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