University courses: what you should know about nursing
You’re on this page because you’re thinking of studying nursing. Congratulations in advance because you’ve picked one of the most sought-after courses in Africa and the world.
But before you apply to any school, here’s what you need to know about nursing and where to study.
What is nursing?
Nursing is a health-care profession that focuses on assisting individuals, families, and communities in achieving, maintaining, or regaining optimal health and quality of life. To become a registered nurse, you must first take up formal nursing education before you can get a license.
To study nursing in Nigeria or Ghana, you either have to enroll in a school of midwifery or a conventional university that has a nursing program
How many years is nursing
In Nigeria and Ghana, conventional university studies take up to 4 years while nursing and midwifery schools take 2 – 3 years.
Where can nurses work?
- Hospitals.
- Clinics.
- Offices.
- Schools.
- Pharmacies.
- Ambulance/Helicopter.
- Home health care settings.
- Senior living communities.
And many more. There’s no shortage of places that certified nurses can work.
How much do nurses make
Nurses in Ghana earn between GHC2,000 and GHC3,000 per month in the lower grades. Senior Ghanaian nurses can expect to earn anything from GHC3,000 to GHC5,000 per month. Professors make the most money, with a salary that is likely to exceed GHC96,000 per year.
Entry-level nurses in Nigeria earn between N50,000 – N80,000 in private hospitals, while public hospital nurses earn between N70,000 – N120,000. However, nurses in state hospitals don’t earn as much as their counterparts in federal hospitals.
Best schools to study nursing
- University of Benin
- University of Ibadan
- Obafemi Awolowo University
- University of Nigeria, Nsukka
- Central University.
- Western Hills School of Nursing.
- Ophthalmic Nursing School
- Kintampo College of Health.