Home Article Accident Forgiveness Insurance Overview

Accident Forgiveness Insurance Overview


A company might be a top-notch auto insurance provider with attractive offers and a comprehensive policy. Still, they may not offer accident forgiveness insurance, as not all companies do. So, you’ll need an accident forgiveness insurance overview to understand it better and decide rightly.

In this post, you’ll learn about the top auto insurance providers that offer accident forgiveness insurance packages. You’ll also understand what accident insurance is and how it can come into play in your policy. This information is vital for more advantages, so stick with me to the end of this post. 


What is Accident Forgiveness Insurance?

Accident forgiveness may assist you in avoiding an increase in your auto insurance costs due to a collision. It mainly refers to collisions you cause, which are charged, surchargeable, or at-fault accidents.


After an accident, if you don’t have accident forgiveness, your insurance premiums may go up. The amount of this increase is decided by several factors, including your overall driving record and the claim’s worth. An at-fault collision might lead to a premium increase that lasts years and costs thousands of dollars.

Accident forgiveness may be a no-brainer, but it isn’t always that simple. Some insurance firms provide it to current clients as a loyalty reward. Others only offer it to drivers who haven’t been in an at-fault incident in three to five years.

Accident Forgiveness Insurance Companies

Accident forgiveness is an optional feature for most insurers. Drivers with a clean driving record are eligible for savings under this option. You may also be eligible for a discount if you go six months without having an accident.

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Also, from some other insurers, it can be added to a vehicle policy for qualifying clients. It only applies to the first accident in which you were at fault. In California, this option is not accessible.


Accident forgiveness is part of insurers like Progressive’s “loyalty incentives” program. Small mistakes are forgiven under this scheme. The goal is to handle minor claims while avoiding increasing insurance premiums rapidly.

It is available to some drivers who have reached a milestone anniversary and have a clean driving record. Qualified drivers may also be eligible for accident forgiveness. This is best done when you initially get your insurance or when it’s time to renew it.

Hartford’s accident forgiveness program will not count your first accident against you if you meet the qualifications. Accident forgiveness is included in Hartford’s Advantage Plus plan.


USAA accident forgiveness is free after five years of no at-fault accidents. The majority of states have this option.

Nationwide accident forgiveness is only available in a few states. It might also apply to other drivers who are insured by your policy. The “forgiveness” covers only one accident per insurance policy. ​

Is Accident Insurance Worth it?

It may be essential to forgive an accident, especially if you have a family with high-risk drivers. According to a review, the national average annual cost of accident forgiveness from a few significant firms is usually affordable. The annual cost varies from $15 to $60, a difference of $45 each year.

From calculations, the additional cost of accident forgiveness is definitely worth it.

What if you don’t qualify for accident forgiveness insurance?

Accident forgiveness coverage isn’t accessible to everyone. For example, you wouldn’t be able to qualify if there were any drivers in the house under 21. Also, drivers with less than three years of driving experience may not qualify.

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Nevertheless, if you don’t qualify for accident forgiveness insurance, there are other options for you, as shown below:

Discounts available for competent drivers

You might be able to find alternative safe-driver discounts if you don’t qualify for accident forgiveness. For example, with Geico‘s Five-Year Accident-Free Good Driver discount, drivers with a clean five-year driving record may save up to 22%.

Vanishing deductibles

Another option to save money is to use a “vanishing deductible.” This is usually an optional feature that rewards good drivers by decreasing their claim deductible for a clean driving record.

Drivers who buy Travelers‘ Premier Responsible Driver Plan, for example, get a Decreasing Deductible. It gives them a $50 credit on their deductibles for every six months they go without accidents (up to $500).

Ask your insurer about alternate savings and coverage options if you don’t qualify for accident forgiveness coverage. They can also help if you don’t want to pay the extra money to add it to your policy.

Benefits of accident insurance

Are you a cautious motorist? Shouldn’t you just take your risks instead of paying extra for at-fault accident forgiveness? Perhaps, but first, compare the cost of adding accident forgiveness to your insurance company’s at-fault accident rate spike numbers.

Your insurance premiums may increase by as much as 50% after an at-fault incident. Furthermore, even if you are a cautious driver, it only takes one mistake to be at blame in an accident. Consequently, the feature might save the average individual hundreds of dollars.

The flaws of accident forgiveness insurance

Insurance rates do not usually rise as a result of accidents. The severity and cost of the claim are factors in determining whether and how much your premium will rise. Your driving record also contributes to it.

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Accident forgiveness isn’t available in every state, and it’s not available from every insurance company. Furthermore, certain individuals will be ineligible (namely, those with one or more at-fault accidents or moving violations.

Individuals who use it more than once every three to five years also face problems. They’ll have to wait for your policy to reset before you can request forgiveness again.

How much can you save on accident forgiveness insurance?

Though most at-fault accidents raise your premiums, each carrier determines the amount. Adding accident forgiveness coverage to your policy might increase your premium by 2% to 9%, depending on the business. 

The amount you save depends on the accident, your driving record, the severity of the claim, and the carrier’s specifics.


You now have an accident forgiveness insurance overview to put you through everything you need to know. With this, you should be able to make your decision right and work towards this type of insurance.

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