
Oxford University Rhodes Scholarships for Indian Students 2023

Are you a student looking for Scholarships or funds to carry on your educational needs? If yes, The Oxford University Rhodes Scholarships for Indian Students is available for various course levels and the scholarship is offered by different universities and colleges.

Oxford University Rhodes Scholarships for Indian Students




The Oxford University Rhodes Scholarships for Indian Students and grants are for both local and international students. So interested students should start now and search for the courses that suit them.

Applications for Oxford University Rhodes Scholarships for Indian Students are now open. Just take your time and go through this post, as this article has arranged every detail you need and listed the top Nursing scholarships for national and international students.

How to Apply for Oxford University Rhodes Scholarships for Indian Students

Here are some brief descriptions of the top Oxford University Rhodes Scholarships for Indian Students.

Rhodes Scholarship in India

The Rhodes Scholarship in India is one of the most respected and oldest scholarship programs, is recognized worldwide for its financial support to Excellent students from around the world.

The Opportunity is jointly hosted by the Rhodes Trust and the founder of the Second Century, John McCall MacBain O.C.


The Scholarship is a Merit-Based Scholarships for Students who have done exceptionally well at Oxford University.

Founded in 1902 with the will of Cecil John Rhodes, this scholarship has overtime proved to be a visionary project that benefits hundreds of students around the world. However, the first Rhodes Scholarship India was awarded in 1947.

The Rhodes scholarship has been in existence for over 100 years and is awarded to students from 22 constituencies, of which India is an important name. The Rhodes India Scholarship applies to students with Indian citizenship or a valid Indian passport.

Students with a PIO or OCI card are not eligible for the scholarship. In addition, the following table provides a detailed overview of the Scholarship so you know all the relevant details.

Level/Field Of Study:

The Rhodes Scholarship India is Designed for Only Postgraduate Students pursuing any Choice course At Oxford University. The Scholarships are for MastersPh.D. Research and Post Doctoral Students.

 Host Nationality:

The Rhodes Scholars from India are taken to Oxford University in the United Kingdom. The Scholar must have given a provisional offer to study any course at the University.

Eligible Nationality:

The Eligible Nationality includes other Countries but India is our Major Talking Point. Some Indian Students will have a Students permit in the UK to Study 

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Scholarship Worth:

The Rhode Scholarships for India Students are specifically Worth An annual stipend of approx. GBP 15,141. The Scholarship covers the college fees, economy class air tickets, settling-in allowance and any other benefit from the Indian Government. The Scholarship is awarded to 5 Excellent Indians for 2 years of Study. In all, you have these in your favor.

  • College/university fees
  • The annual stipend of approx. GBP 15,141 per annum (GBP 1,260 per month)
  • Two economy class air tickets to and from the UK
  • Settling in allowance of approx. GBP 225 at the time of arrival
  • International Health Surcharge that medically covers the students during the tenure of the scholarship
  • After selection, the students may also get coverage for the application fees

What is Oxford University Rhodes Scholarships Eligibility?

Who are the potential candidates for the Rhodes Scholarship? What conditions of participation do you have to fulfill? The answers to all these questions are discussed in this section.

To become a Rhodes Scholar, a candidate must possess qualities such as exceptional intellect, leadership, commitment to ministry, and character. In addition to these characteristics, the most important admission criteria for the scholarship are:

  • Students must have completed at least 4 years of formal schooling in an Indian institution within the last 10 years.
  • Students who have completed the Grade 12 exam or the last year of undergraduate studies may apply.
  • The age of the candidate must be above 19 years and under 25 years from 1 October 2023 (for academics, Rhodes 2023 Scholarship). This means that students born between September 30, 1994, and October 1, 2000, can apply for a Rhodes 2023 Scholarship.
  • Applicants must (or will have completed by June / July 2023) complete their undergraduate studies with a first-year or equivalent.
  • Students must also intend to enroll in a full-time postgraduate program at Oxford University.

What are the Courses Offered in the Rhodes Scholarship?

Below you will find information on the courses or combinations of courses allowed for students who wish to obtain the Rhodes Scholarship.

  • A bachelor’s degree program with senior status, d. H. Played over two years
  • A one-year master’s degree course, such as BCL, MSt or MSc, followed by a one-year master’s degree course in the second year.
  • A one-year master’s program, such as BCL, MSt or MSc, leading to a Ph.D. in Philosophy. In this combination, students can apply for the scholarship for the third year. (Note: this exercise does not apply to students in physics and life sciences and mathematics).
  • A two-year program or BPhil or MPhil or BCL that evolves in DPhil. Also in this scenario, students can apply for the third year of scholarship.
  • An MLitt or MSc of two years by research. (Note: In this scenario, no scholarship will be awarded for the third year.)
  • A three-year doctoral program.
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Get more information about the Scholarship Course Requirements Here.

See also: Clarendon International Scholarships at Oxford University in UK

What is the Rhodes Scholarship Application Process?

The application process for a Rhodes Scholarship involves many phases you need to pass through. In total, a student must go through seven important steps to receive his scholarship. The following is a step-by-step description of the application process.

  1. Step 1: Check through the Rhodes Scholarship Requirements

    Before starting the application process, students should make sure to meet the specified eligibility criteria that the Rhodes Scholarship Board has put in place.

  2. Choose an Oxford course

    Once an applicant meets all the requirements for the scholarship, it can proceed to the second step. In this stage, the Candidates have to choose a graduate school or combinations of appropriate qualifications for which the scholarship applies.

  3. Put up a Personal Statement

    The scholarship application requires that students prepare a personal statement of 1000 words maximum that clearly Explains their Background story.

  4. Prepare the list of referees

    Students will also submit a list of six people who will require letters of recommendation in their name at the time of application. Prepare the list of referees in advance and get their permission to avoid first chaos during the bid.

  5. Collect and File all relevant documents

    Candidates are required to ensure that they have all relevant documents to complete their application online.

  6. Start the application

    Visit the official Rhodes Trust website. Select the country.
    Click on “Request for Rhodes Scholarship 2023”.
    Click the “Save” button to start.
    Once registered, log in to your account to complete the application.
    Provide all necessary information and load all supporting documents.
    Submit the application form online.

  7. Prepare the final interview

    If the student is enrolled on a long list, it is for an interview in regional centers in Delhi or Bangalore (note: for students residing outside of India, the interview should be conducted by phone or video conference).

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In addition, the tighter candidates will have to submit for an interview in Delhi, in November, on the basis of which they will receive the scholarship.

For a detailed understanding of each step, see What’s New on the Apps Overview page.

Required Documents for Rhodes Scholarships India

The Scholarship Applications will not be complete if these Documents are not provided. Make sure you have all these documents here.

  • Birth certificate of the applicant that proves his/her age criterion
  • A copy of valid passport
  • Official transcripts from the University or College where the applicant is studying or have studied.
  • An updated Curriculum Vitae (CV) is not more than two pages (A4, 12 pt). It is advisable to not include the photograph of the candidate in the CV.
  • Proof of formal study at an Indian institution for at least 4 years of the last 10 years as on the date of application (Applicable for candidates who are neither a graduate or in the final year of undergraduate study).
  • A head-and-shoulder photograph of the candidate (colored photo in jpg format).
  • A personal statement is not more than 1,000 words.
  • List of referees along with their relevant details.

Oxford University Rhodes Scholarships 2023 Application Deadline

The Scholarships start annually on the 1st of June and end on July 31st.

Frequently Asked Questions

What GPA do you need to be a Rhodes Scholar?

Students who have outstanding performance in their chosen field are eligible for the scholarship. However, the average GPA of Rhodes Scholars is about 3.9.

How many Rhodes scholarships are awarded each year?

Rhodes scholarship started in 1904 and offers 32 scholarships each year, making it the largest delegation. About 300 US candidates in colleges and universities apply each year.

Can Rhodes Scholarship be deferred?

Rhodes Scholarship is basically a financial award for academic study and cannot be deferred. However, there are many benefits attached to Scholarships and students who are academically sound in an Oxford degree course should apply.


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