
Consider Culture, Customs, and Beliefs: Tool #10 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

While taking time off to travel was once seen as an indulgence and a gap on your resume, nowadays the many soft skills that you develop are recognised as genuine benefits of this experience. As you can imagine, transitioning into a new culture might often require learning a new language. While you can learn a new language by using audio CDs or taking lessons from an instructor, one of the most effective ways to learn a new language is through immersion, or surrounding yourself entirely in a new culture.

It may be challenging at times, but most students who experience culture shock agree that going through this transition helped them to learn more about themselves and to develop greater confidence in their ability to navigate new situations. There are many people in the university community who are available to provide you with support. Understand that each person is an individual and may or may not adhere to certain cultural beliefs or practices common in his or her culture. Asking patients about their beliefs and way of life is the best way to be sure you know how their values may impact their care. Values are not static; they vary across time and between groups as people evaluate, debate, and change collective societal beliefs. For example, cultures differ in their values about what kinds of physical closeness are appropriate in public. It’s rare to see two male friends or coworkers holding hands in the United States legit mail order bride sites where that behavior often symbolizes romantic feelings.

  • She argued that cultural adaptations might be warranted when a subcultural group exhibits differences in the risk or resilience factors related to a health outcome.
  • The good news is that there are plenty of ways to meet new people and maybe even make lifelong friends.
  • The most essential cultural elements are Art and Literature, because art and literature lead into the other cultural aspects.
  • Films are often adapted for the American audience, and American films are exported to other parts of the world.
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When you identify with other people, you sympathize with their situation. Kumpfer KL, Pinyuchon M, Melo AT, Whiteside HO. Cultural adaptation process for international dissemination of the Strengthening Families Program. Buller DB, Woodall WG, Zimmerman DE, Heimendinger J, Rogers EM, Slater MD, Le Blanc ML. Formative research activities to provide web-based nutrition education to adults in the upper Rio Grande Valley. Bailey EJ, Cates CJ, Kruske SG, Morris PS, Brown N, Chang AB. Culture-specific programs for children and adults from minority groups who have asthma. Preserve core elements of original intervention unless there is good evidence that a core element should be dropped (e.g., evidence does not support modifiable risk factors).

Honeymoon Stage

Moving to a new country can be an exciting, but also an overwhelming experience. One of the biggest challenges to foreigners is understanding the local culture and customs. As you settle into a daily routine, your initial euphoria fades and the challenges of adjustment become more apparent. For example, growing frustration with the language and cultural differences is common, turning some everyday events into significant challenges or frustrations.

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Shock or Culture Fatigue

Moreover, Japanese people participate in various spiritual matsuri, or festivals, throughout the year. These events are marked by vibrant displays of traditional dress, music, dance, and food, and serve as an opportunity for individuals to reconnect with their spiritual heritage. One of the defining characteristics of Japanese religion is that it is a private and family-oriented affair, distinct from the state. There are no religious prayers or symbols at official events such as school graduations; religion is not frequently discussed in everyday life, and many Japanese individuals do not regularly worship or consider themselves to be religious. Japan’s cultural evolution is a fascinating and complex topic, spanning thousands of years of history. From its prehistoric beginnings to its modern-day identity, Japan’s culture has been shaped by a blend of indigenous traditions, neighboring Asian influences, and global connections. We will also examine the role of religion, gender, and social norms in shaping Japanese culture and how these factors influence daily life.

Imagine a life without writing, and without art; it’s pretty grim isn’t it? Without these essential cultural components, life would be a sad place to live in, because no other cultural aspect would survive. The most essential cultural elements are Art and Literature, because art and literature lead into the other cultural aspects.

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Each individual in a given society is provided the means of individual enrichment. No society is without an education program, though few have as extensive and all-encompassing a one as that found in Western nations. The formal education provided in Western nations through a graded school system is provided in other societies through social, religious, political, or economic mechanisms.

Rui and Wang defined cross-cultural adjustment as culture shock generated in the process of an individual adjusting to a different culture in a foreign country. Krishnan and Kirubamoorthy regarded cross-cultural adjustment as the interaction among people with a distinct culture. Among the many reviews of cultural enhancement efficacy, almost all were based on very few studies—some as few as four (Bailey et al., 2009; Eyles & Mhurchu, 2009; McManus & Savage, 2010). The small number of studies greatly limited the use of meta-analytic methods for finding statistical relations between features of culturally enhanced interventions and health outcomes. With the possible exception of HIV/AIDS, more evaluations are needed of systematic cultural adaptations on all health topics and on interventions directed at children. Culture may be viewed as the totality of a subcultural group’s knowledge, transmitted from elders to children, which includes observable entities and cognitive entities .


Immigrants moving to the U.S. will have the chance to develop a career that makes them happy, a comfortable lifestyle, and healthy relationships that make the move worthwhile. Some people find it impossible to accept the foreign culture and to integrate.


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