
How To Optimize Your NGO’S Google Ads Campaign


To get your charity ads to appear exactly where you want, you need to know how to optimize Google Ads for Nonprofits. Remember, this will help your campaign reach your target audience. In addition, it will allow you to achieve the results you want.


Years ago, nonprofit organizations were not as well known as they are today. Thanks to the power of the Internet, anyone can be part of this universe. The real challenge is to position yourself on the internet and have more access because the competition is fierce.



However, if you can optimize Google Ads for nonprofits, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to achieve the goals you set out to do in the first place. It’s not just advertising: you have to think strategically. You need to know how to create really effective campaigns.


Key tips for optimizing Google Ads for Nonprofits

Organizations without a revenue stream, such as corporations, need to manage their budgets well. Therefore, if you plan to invest in promotions, we recommend that you first learn how to optimize Google Ads for NGOs. This will prevent the investment from becoming a loss.


There are several ways to achieve effective optimization, the following are the most prominent:



It’s a Google program that has a program called Ad Grants, which offers $10,000 per month to place ads on their search engine for free. This is especially interesting for non-profit organizations (NGOs). Consider spending $120,000 a year on Google Ads, which can deliver big returns if the investment is right.


You must meet some requirements to participate, which may vary by country. However, most officially registered NGOs are accepted. Government, health and academic institutions are not eligible for this benefit.

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You must understand what requirements must be met to develop a campaign in Ad Grants:


The site must be owned by you, it must load quickly and securely, and it must not be full of ads.

If you have multiple domains, you’ll be able to request approval and create an ad to promote each domain.

Keywords containing less general individual terms are not permitted. You also cannot use keywords with a Quality Score lower than 1 or 2.

Maintain a CTR of 5% per month.

Track effective conversion.

Each campaign has at least 2 ad groups and at least 2 sitelink ad extensions.



One thing to keep in mind when optimizing Google Ads for nonprofits is that Ad Grants are charged per click. This happens every time someone clicks on your ad. But to generate clicks, Google needs to show your ad multiple times at the top of searches and ads.


So what should I do? In each ad you have to invest a certain amount of euros to compete with people who use the same search terms. For example, Google allows social entities up to €1.81 per semester and €329 per day.


This is because there is a price per click, as Google Ads works like an auction. In fact, there are other keywords that have bids higher than €5.42, but it all depends on the maximum amount allowed by the different NGOs.


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There is no doubt that launching a campaign through the web is a great idea because you can cover most of the world. But this is another aspect that you must take into account when using Google Ads for your NGO. It is about establishing geographic and linguistic coherence with the public to which you direct your ads.

In fact, one of the parameters to configure in the ad refers to the geographical location from which the search engine is accessed, that is, the location of the person who performs the search. For example, you can create an ad targeted to Spanish users in Spanish, which is available in all Spanish-speaking countries.

Now, if you want to expand to other regions where Spanish is not the native language, you need to create a separate ad. It also affects the language of the pages where you link your ad. The landing page should also be based on this parameter.


You can make these adjustments today, and while they require more work, they do pay off. So much so that you can limit your ad to a local geographic area, define a geographic point and establish a radius of about 5 kilometers.



One of the important things to consider when optimizing Google Ads for Nonprofits is keywords. You need to work with those who are driving traffic to your ad’s landing page so you can drive conversions.

Consider that there are three techniques that can help you when going through this process. Keyword sanitization and consistency checking is one of them. For example, if you find that a word doesn’t get impressions in a month, delete it and allocate the budget to other words. Apply the same procedure to all those with a low quality level.

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Find keywords with a lot of missed searches and focus on those that exceed 50%. When you find them, the next thing is to try to locate the ones that do not appear at the top. For them, optimize your ads and landing pages or increase your keyword bid volume.


It can also be helpful to use new keywords in your ad groups. Only those words that are related to the rest of the words in your campaign. If you want to check its quality, you should double check the search volume. This is to avoid using words that are too competitive or too long.



If you want to optimize Google Ads for NGOs, long-tail keywords cannot be missing from your strategy. These are very specific phrases that contain 3 or 4 words. Remember, Google interprets long-tail keyword searches as specific content.


One thing you should know is that specific searches are more likely to result in sales than generic searches. The more detailed your keywords are, the less competition you will have. In addition, your CPCs will be lower and your chances of appearing in the first results of Google will increase.


However, too much is bad, so be careful not to be too specific with your long-tail keywords, as this will result in too few impressions and views for your ad.


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