
How To Maintain And Enrich A Group You’re Inlto


(1). Take everything with seriousness.


(2). No one is bigger than others in the group.


(3). No one is too important for the group.

(4). Everyone should do his or her best.

(5). When having issues with a group member, don’t leave, but stay to resolve and address.

(6). No one gets paid so it’s a thing of love and volunteering efforts.


(7). Live your normal life, you are unique and without you the group will be boring.

(8). Never expect someone else to build the group, but do your best by making your contribution.

(9). Group members should learn how to socialize, meet new friends and improve on their social skills.

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(10). Always respond to greetings by leaving out pride, arrogance, and boastfulness.

(11). Anything that happens outside the group must remain outside.

(12). Groups are always for fun, so let’s make and have fun out of whatever is posted. Don’t just read a post, make a comment to enrich it.

(13). Don’t take every chat too serious because we are all in the group to have fun, assist, learn, entertain each other.

(14) Contribute your maximum quota for the running of the group should there be a Formidable Association formed and adhere to the by-laws (Constitution) by abiding it.




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