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How Old is my Cat?


A common myth states that age in a human year is equal to seven “cat years,” but in actuality, a cat is much more mature than a child when it is one year old.

How Old is my Cat?


How Old is my Cat?

It’s better to visit a veterinarian to determine your cat’s age. A cat’s age and health can still be determined by looking for telltale indicators.



While teeth can’t tell you exactly when your feline friend’s birthday is, they are still a wonderful age indication for cats. The benchmarks are:

▸ The first teeth of a kitten erupt between two and four weeks.

▸ About four months after birth, their white permanent teeth erupt.

▸ A few teeth with yellow tartar stains can indicate that your cat is between one and two years old.


▸ The cat is probably between three and five years old if the stains are present on all of its teeth.

▸ Missing teeth typically indicate that your cat is a mature senior, aged between 10 and 15 years.

▸ However, regardless of age, some cats may simply have worse teeth than others.


▸ little kitten with stripes


If your cat’s teeth aren’t always the accurate age sign you hoped for, looking at its eyes can help. The distinction between a young cat and an older cat can be recognized by the smoothness or crackle of the iris.

Cats’ eyes typically begin to become cloudy after the age of 12. Additionally, you probably have an elderly cat on your hands if you observe tears and eye discharge.

Bones and Muscles

Pay attention to aspects that can round out your cat’s age profile because age can conceal itself behind appearances.

A higher degree of activity provides your cat with defined muscles, much like in people.  A juvenile cat enjoys jumping, running, and playing. As a result, if you discover that your cat


Age causes a cat’s fur to alter. Only young cats often have fine, silky fur. Older cats typically have patches of grey hair and fur that is rougher and thicker.

You are now fully informed about cat lifespans and how to convert cat ages into human years! For more information about cats, including kittens and geriatric cats, keep reading our content hubs.

At what age does a cat lose its milk (baby) teeth?

By the time a newborn is three to four months old, all of these baby teeth have fallen out, allowing a place for the adult teeth to erupt.

Why is my 3-year-old cat losing baby teeth?

When kittens eat kibble, they typically lose their nursing teeth before 6 months.

How can I tell the age of a cat?

Veterinarians may use your cat’s eyes in addition to its teeth to estimate its age. A cat’s eye lenses start to get denser at age 6 or 7, which is similar to what happens to human eye lenses around age 40.

How do I know how old my cat is?

The easiest way to figure out a cat’s age is to speak with a reliable veterinarian, who can estimate the cat’s age by looking at its teeth, eyes, fur, and general level of maturity.

How do my cat’s teeth help determine its age?

The cat is probably between 3-5 years old if there is some tartar buildup on all of its teeth.

Can cats lose their teeth as they grow older?

Due to periodontal disease or tooth resorption, the majority of cats will lose one or more teeth during their lifetime.

What happens to the baby teeth that cats lose?

The baby tooth that is connected to the permanent teeth should fall out. Although the baby teeth may fall out while the kitten is eating and may even be found in their bedding or on the floor.

What do you do when your kitten’s teeth fall out?

Giving teething kittens soft, wet food and soft chew toys is the best way to look after them. For teething cats, there are many chew toys on the market. Give your cat a few options so she can select the one that feels the most comfortable.

My cat’s tooth just started bleeding. Is that normal?

Schedule a visit with your veterinarian if your cat has tartar buildup, exhibits symptoms of gingivitis (red or bleeding gums), has a broken tooth with exposed pulp or that has died.

How do you treat a loose tooth in a cat?

If you believe your cat may have wobbly teeth, contact your veterinarian right once. The removal of it will probably require a general anesthetic, but your veterinarian may go over your alternatives with you during your appointment.

How old should your cat be before brushing its teeth?

Experts advise delaying starting to brush your kitten until after he is no longer teething and the adult teeth have grown in, usually when he is approximately 6 months old.

This is because a kitten’s deciduous teeth, often known as cat baby teeth or “milk teeth,” are replaced with permanent counterparts.

Why are cats’ teeth so tiny?

Since cats are real carnivores, they have highly developed teeth that enable them to seek, kill, and consume prey. They serve as a grooming tool and a self-defense aid.

The small teeth in the front of their mouths, called incisors, are made to grip prey while the canine teeth, or fangs, kill and rip them to pieces.

How can I determine my cat’s age without taking her to the vet?

The wear and tear as well as tartar buildup might serve as indicators of a cat’s age, he adds. The average cat is between one and two years old if there is just a tiny bit of tartar, especially in the cheek teeth (the teeth that run along the sides of the cat’s mouth).

Why does my cat have yellow teeth?

There most likely is tartar on your cat’s teeth if you notice a white-looking buildup and a yellowish tint to their teeth. Plaque that has hardened into tartar. If tartar isn’t removed, it will inflame and infect your cat’s mouth.

What Do Dogs’ Retained Baby Teeth Look Like?

Baby teeth that are still present in the mouth following the eruption of adult teeth are referred to as retained baby teeth. Baby teeth typically reabsorb into the body, causing loose teeth to fall out easily and make place for adult teeth.

How do you tell the age of a kitten?

A kitten’s weight in pounds and age in months closely correspond, and up until the age of five months, he will acquire weight at a relatively predictable rate.

You can fairly assume that a kitten is between 4 and 12 weeks old if it weighs between 1 and 3 pounds and is in good physical condition.

How accurately can a cat’s age be estimated?

A cat is around 15 human years old when it is almost a year old. The cat will be about 24 human years old when he is two years old.

A cat living indoors will age roughly 4 human years for every cat year, while a cat living outdoors will age roughly 8 human years for every cat year.

Is it okay that my cat swallowed her tooth?

You shouldn’t be concerned; it’s normal for kittens to swallow their baby teeth and poses no health risk. Your kitten may be trying to remove a loose tooth by shaking its head and pawing at the mouth.

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