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Differences Between Fruits And Vegetables


A fruit is referred to as the developing ovary of a seed plant, along with its contents and accessory organs, such as the pea pod, nut, pineapple, or tomato. Fruit is a  delicious fleshy portion of a plant that envelopes the seeds, while certain fruits like berries have the seed on the outside.


A vegetable is a herbaceous plant grown for its edible parts, it includes all other edible plant parts. Examples are spinach, cauliflower, beetroot, and broccoli. Here is a list of differences between  fruits and vegetables

What Are The Differences Between Fruits And Vegetables?



Fruits have diverse meanings in different contexts. In botany, fruits are the ripened ovaries of flowering plants. While vegetables generally refer to the edible parts of plants.


Fruits are mostly sweet, sometimes tart in flavor, and can be used in snacks, desserts, or juices. On the other hand, vegetables are distinct in taste. They can be rarely classified as sweet, salty, sour or bitter, and are usually eaten as a main dish or part of a side dish.


Fruits usually contain seed either inside or outside, while vegetables do not contain seeds, rather it consists of roots, stems, and leaves.


Fruits are low in fat and calories, contain high fiber, and are usually high in natural sugar. Vegetables are low in fat and calories, and high in fiber. Starchy vegetables such as beetroot and potato are very high in sugar.



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