Home Travel Best tourist attractions in Greece

Best tourist attractions in Greece


If you’re searching for the perfect travel destination, you may want to take a cue from the list of tourist attractions in Greece. These locations boast captivating landmarks that draw in visitors from around the world. Greece as a whole offers beautiful experiences, from interesting traditions to archaeological treasures.

Every popular destination has special sites that make it worthy of visitors’ attention. Sometimes, these captivating features earn them positive reviews, which in turn attract new visitors. Thankfully, there are numerous locations that interest tourists in Greece.


There are so many that you may need to make a return trip just to explore them. However, you can find the best sites by reading through this article. A visit to any of these locations is the first step to an unforgettable experience.

Popular tourist attractions in Greece


It is important to plan your trip early to ensure a hassle-free vacation. Once you obtain your Greek visa and other travel documents, you can choose one of the destinations on this list.

Ancient Olympia

Imagine visiting the birthplace of the Olympic games. For over 1100 years, Ancient Olympia hosted the games until it was destroyed by the emperor.

However, visitors still find the ancient stadiums and amphitheaters a sight to behold. Despite being in ruins, many people find what remains interesting.

For a $12 entrance fee, you can tour the archaeological museums, the altar of oaths, and the sacred precinct of Zeus. Your water bottles and sunscreen will come in handy on this trip.

Acropolis Museum, Athens

This is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Greece every historian must experience. Tourists here are mostly architects who want to study the museum’s edifice designed by Bernard Tschumi.


The impressive museum holds acropolis treasures such as the Parthenon marble and Moschophoros, as well as other beautiful structures in Athens. If you are an artist, you may find your next inspiration in the ancient works of the Greeks here.

Moreover, you can have a meal break at the museum’s cafe restaurant in between tours. Here, you will not only enjoy unique Greek food but also find a surreal view of Athens from the terrace.


This is a UNESCO World Heritage site located on the Greek mainland. Here, you will find the sanctuary where most pilgrims travel to come for worship.

You can join the queue if you want to hear from the oracle of Delphi who is represented by one of the locals. If not, you can wander through the stadiums or explore the artifacts in the museum

Mount Olympus

In recent times, Mount Olympus has become one of the most visited tourist attraction sites in Greece. Everyone wants to explore the temple of Zeus.

The famous home of Zeus is between Athens and Thessaloniki. It is located on a mountain over 2918 meters high, so you must dress comfortably for this trip.

While this may be a hectic journey, the beautiful views from the mountain make it worthwhile. Also, tourists who have medical conditions can desist from hiking on this trip.


Many people choose the island of Hydra for vacation purposes. If you are wondering why, the reasons.

First, they relish watching the old mansions with their fading paints,  their gothic plants, and town roads. They have a natural setting for popular historical movies.

A stroll around this island will make you feel like you are part of a popular epic movie. Moreover, the locals are mainly cat owners here so you will enjoy the community if you own a cat.

You can take a bold walk in the middle of the streets without fear of accidents. The car-free island attracts tourists who intentionally want to get away from the fumes and noise from cars.

Thankfully, water taxis are available to transport you on water, or you can settle for a donkey if you need to move about on land.


The first thing tourists appreciate about this destination is the airport on the island.  Instead of going through the stress of a road trip, you can fly in directly to your vacation spot.

This island is popular for its crystal waters and picturesque landscape making it perfect for destination weddings. More so, the romantic atmosphere here makes it ideal for honeymooners.

Tourists also love to visit the caldera from the volcanic eruption from 3600 years ago. You can board a ferry to the east and south coast if you prefer lounging around the black-sand beaches.


Visiting these sites will help you learn about the best of Greek history and culture.



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