Home Scholarships Dalhousie University Master and Ph.D. Scholarship – Canada 2024

Dalhousie University Master and Ph.D. Scholarship – Canada 2024


Are you a student looking for Scholarships or funds to carry on your educational needs? If yes, The Dalhousie University Master and Ph.D. Scholarship – Canada is available for various course levels and the scholarship is offered by different universities and colleges.

Dalhousie University Master and Ph.D. Scholarship – Canada




The Dalhousie University Master and Ph.D. Scholarship – Canada and grants are for both local and international students. So interested students should start now and search for the courses that suit them.

Applications for Dalhousie University Master and Ph.D. Scholarship – Canada are now open. Just take your time and go through this post, as this article has arranged every detail you need and listed the top Nursing scholarships for national and international students.

How to Apply for Dalhousie University Master and Ph.D. Scholarship – Canada

Here are some brief descriptions of the top Dalhousie University Master and Ph.D. Scholarship – Canada.

About Dalhousie University

Dalhousie University (commonly known as Dal) is a public research university in Nova Scotia, Canada, with three campuses in Halifax, a fourth in Bible Hill, and medical teaching facilities in Saint John, New Brunswick.

Dalhousie offers more than 4,000 courses and 180-degree programs in twelve undergraduate, graduate, and professional faculties.


Level/Field of Study

The scholarship is open to students to pursue a Masters, PhD or Doctoral program

Host Nationality

The scholarship is hosted by the Dalhousie University, Canada.

Eligible Nationality

The scholarship is available to international students.

Scholarship Worth

The scholarship award is valued at $30,000 for a year.


  • International students will be given scholarships as the second preference since the first preference is given to citizens of Iran.
  • Applicants with first-class standing in their undergraduate program.
Important information:
  • For detail regarding application, you should visit the departments’ site since applications may also be submitted by departments for eligible students who have been accepted into a graduate program.
  • This will be a full-time study program.
  • One new award is made each year.

How to Apply

To apply, submit by post the Application form from the link below:

Supporting Documents

  • A signed, one-page statement of their career development to date, their future career aspirations and the relevance of their program of studies to those aspirations.
  • This statement may NOT exceed ONE typewritten, double-spaced page. A brief, well-written statement will be to the applicant’s advantage.
  • The Faculty of Graduate Studies Office will provide the Selection Committee with a copy of the applicants’ transcripts and letters of reference, as submitted with their admission documentation.

Application Deadline

The deadline for submission is August 1st2024.

Below is the link through which you can apply for the Dalhousie University Scholarships.



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