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What To Do If Someone Scold Your Child

What To Do If Someone Scold Your Child

What to do if someone scolds your child.


It’s the last thing a parent wants to witness. It makes you enraged and filled with unpleasant emotions, and this is entirely acceptable. It basically tells your primordial reptilian brain that danger is approaching. Fight or flight is on as your heartbeat accelerates.


But keep calm and approach the situation respectfully and constructively.


measures to take when someone wrongly punishes your child.



(1) Firstly, exerting yourself in the scenario significantly affects the conversation’s dynamic. When confronted by an adult of their own age, your child feels safe and protected.


Simulate the other’s stance and body posture. Rapport building is a great approach to manage future conflicts while appearing sincere and trustworthy.



(2) Afraid of the consequences of your actions? Let out a sigh and collect information. Your child may have hit another child, smashed property, misbehaved in class, or other wrongdoing.


To avoid resentment, consider what you would have done in the situation if you were the other person.


(3) If you’re afraid or confused by the situation, make sure your child feels understood and acknowledged by your patience. Ask them to explain what’s going on at their eye level. Regard their version of the events with caution.


You have a better chance of changing your child’s behavior if you make them feel understood.


(4) If the adult in question is a school teacher, coach, or relative, set limits to avoid similar incidents. Of course, you’re not asking for a free pass in the classroom or on the court. You’re merely asking that they employ the same methods as you do at home. So your child develops a consistent view of right and wrong, and how wrong doings are punished.

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