
USB-Lock-RP Review: Fortifying Your Data Security with Unparalleled USB Protection

Storage drive and mobile device safety is a crucial aspect of computer-based working. The device control software sector provides entrepreneurs and companies with adequately strong USB-Lock-RP solutions to protect workstations, laptops, and any other device connected through USB ports.

Security, First and Foremost

USB-Lock-RP solutions are smart lockdowns designed to secure computers in large corporate offices and large companies. The purpose of spreading USB-Lock-RP solutions is to keep office computers and other drives connected through USB ports secure and safe.


It’s not shocking to see why. For example, would you ever feel safe knowing that your home door is unlocked at night? Of course, you wouldn’t! Home and family safety comes first for every savvy homeowner. This explains the growing demand for smart lock systems or advanced touchpad door systems, according to national residential locksmiths. As extra proof, consider that most emergency calls for 24/7 locksmith services on this website concern reparation of broken door locks after theft. 


Similarly, entrepreneurs who work in a company with multiple devices should take security seriously. USB-Lock-RP software is designed to protect Windows operating systems and prevent any potential device threat.

Why You Need It

The role of USB-Lock-RP software is simple yet effective to ensure the total safety of your company’s devices. USB-Lock-RP identifies devices’ hardware ID and allows only specific USB devices while blocking all the others from interfering with harmless peripherals.

As an admin, you can authorize USB flash drives to work on determined devices or networks. However, you need a USB Lockdown to prevent data loss and malware interaction with your devices. USB-Lock-RP software blocks unauthorized devices and all their data, incoming and outgoing.

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USB-Lock-RP software blocking and lockdown features offer you superb data security, much higher than consumer-based USB control solutions or antivirus software. Furthermore, USB-Lock-RP uses encryption technology to scan files transferring from PCs to authorized USB drives. This feature is customizable: you can turn it on or off depending on your specific needs.


Finally, USB-Lock-RP sets write-protect blocking for specific USB drives while allowing other authorized USB drives to continue working on the same PC. USB-Lock-RP is compliant with the Removable Media Policy and provides the user with a permanent end-user enterprise licensing model on a one-time payment.

Main Features

Here’s a list of the main features of USB-Lock-RP that will clarify the importance of providing your office with this device security tool:

  • Centralized USB management.
  • Compatible with remote desktop.
  • Adaptable to screen resolution alterations.
  • Easy to set and operate.
  • Groups of PCs or individual devices are secured from USB threats.
  • Automatic whitelist of USB devices by hardware ID throughout the network.
  • Blocking of unauthorized USB devices with full-screen locking (including your company’s logo).
  • Sets the read-only function on determine USB drives.
  • Provides status and alert reports in CSV format.
  • All included in a one-pay solution.

As to requirements, USB-Lock-RP needs:

  • Network TCP/IP (LAN, WLAN, or WAN).
  • Windows operating systems from NT10 to NT5.1.

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