Home Article Getting Wildfire Insurance

Getting Wildfire Insurance


Need to get wildfire insurance to cover the risk surrounding your house? Below is some information on getting wildfire insurance.

Where Can You Get Wildfire Insurance?

If your homeowner’s policy doesn’t include wildfire insurance, check with them to see if you can obtain it. You may find a FAIR plan if you cannot get coverage due to living in a high-risk area. This state-mandated program provides fair access to insurance for high-risk properties.


You can also contact your state’s insurance commission and request assistance. 


Consumers should document and include all their home hardening and defensible space work.  This includes taking before and after photos and keeping receipts for materials and contractors. It will help to prevent wildfires and reach out to their agent to share the documentation and request a formal appeal. 

If you’re non-renewed, your options are typically to buy coverage from a non-admitted carrier. This means one that your state’s insurance department does not approve. This costs about three to six times the amount of home insurance from an admitted carrier. You can also buy insurance from your state’s insurer of last resort, though it is likely the most expensive option.

Finally, homeowners in high-risk areas should video their homes and contents annually. It shouldn’t just be photos since images can be photoshopped and are less trustworthy. 

Go room by room and open drawers, doors, closets, and storage areas to document your belongings. For electronics and other high-value items, noting the serial number, make, and model is helpful. Save a copy of the video to cloud storage such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or iCloud.

READ Also:  Shopping for Home Insurance

What Is a Wildfire Smoke Claim?

Sometimes, you may need to submit a smoke claim. This applies if your home was damaged by ash, soot, or smoke from a wildfire within 10 miles. Smoke or soot can damage the interior, exterior, and contents of your home, and maybe cause for a wildfire smoke claim.

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