Home Article How to Tell if You’re Emotional Eating

How to Tell if You’re Emotional Eating


Emotional eating is a real thing, and it’s something that most of us do from time to time. But how can you tell the difference between emotional eating and your body’s natural hunger?

How to Tell if You're Emotional Eating


Every individual reaches a particular time when they tend to have uncontrollable cravings thereby causing emotional eating. Uncontrollable eating is one way to tell if you’re emotionally drained.


Emotional eating is an act of eating not to quench hunger, but to suppress emotional trauma. In this article, we will be discussing the different ways to know when you’re emotional eating.

Five Ways to Tell if You’re Emotional Eating

  1. When the thought of food and eating makes you feel happy, it’s a sign of emotional eating.
  2. You’re emotional eating even when you still feel like eating even when you are full.
  3. When you eat to quench hunger, it’s a sign that you’re emotional eating.
  4. You’re emotionally eating when your eating habit is out of control.
  5. When you find it difficult sticking to your diet or watching weight, it’s a sign of emotional eating.

Let’s take a look at the various causes of emotional eating.

Different Cause of Emotional Eating

Emotional eating is caused by the following:

  • Not being able to fulfill financial obligations
  • Have problems with your relationship
  • Going through a tough time at your place of work
  • Going through health issues

Unpleasant emotions can create an emptiness which an individual may confuse to be hunger. However, there are better ways to deal with emotional stress aside from emotional eating.


How to Treat Emotional Eating

  • Emotional eating can be treated by meditating positively on important things and taking one’s mind off the stress.
  • Engaging in mindful exercises such as yoga can help in combating emotional eating.
  • Seeking medical help such as therapy and medication is one way to fight emotional eating.
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Emotional eating is sometimes mistaken for physical eating which is very wrong. These two situations must be distinguished and treated differently. However, emotional eating varies in men and women.

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