Home Health 5 Ways On How You Can Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

5 Ways On How You Can Get Rid Of Stretch Marks


5 ways you can remove stretch marks

What is a stretch mark?

Stretch marks are stripes or lines that develop on the skin when it is suddenly stretched. It shows up in the following places:

  • stomach
  • breast
  • butt
  • thighs
  • upper arm
  • back and hips

Furthermore, stretch marks are common, harmless, and usually get conspicuous over time. They come in different colors, pink, brown, red, black, purple, or silver. They start by becoming darker and later fade out but you might be wondering whether you can get 100% rid of stretch marks?


Precisely, it is impossible to get 100 percent rid of your stretch mark. Although there are steps you can take to reduce their appearance. For example, using skincare products, building your skin with the best OTC product, and many more.

causes of stretch mark


Stretch marks tend to occur when you apply a corticosteroid to your skin for a long time. When you have Cushing disease, you may see stretch marks. Furthermore, the stretch mark can occur during the following times:

  • pregnancy
  • rapid weight gain or loss
  • when you have rapid muscle growth

The early stages of these marks can be itchy and depressing, but not to worry there are ways that you can get rid of them and make them less noticeable.

5 home remedies for stretch marks

lemon juice

Lemon juice how can you get rid of stretch marks

lemon juice helps to reduce the range of vision effectively because of its natural bleaching properties. Fresh sliced lemon juice should be used daily in the affected area to see results.


egg white

Egg white how can you get rid of stretch mark

They are high in amino acids and protein. This helps to lighten the marks and tighten the skin when applied. It is a superfood for the skin.

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olive oils

Olive oil how you can get rid of stretch marks


They are known for their moisturizing properties. They are rich in nutrients and antioxidants that repair the skin. If applied to the mark, it will help them to fade over time.


Sugar how you can get rid of stretch marks

The mixing of sugar, olive oil, and lemon juice can be used to make a scrub. Apply to the affected area and leave for ten minutes, then rinse with warm water.

aloe vera

Aloe vera how to get rid of stretch marks

Take out the gel from the outer layer and rub it on the affected area and leave for 2-3 hours. In addition, wash off with water later.


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