
How Accurate is Fitbit Calorie Count?

How accurate is Fitbit calorie count

Most fitness trackers record a similar set of data, such as steps done, distance traveled, and, of course, calories burned. But how precise is a Fitbit’s calorie counter?


The short answer is not entirely correct. The lengthier answer: It’s not perfect, but then again, no Fitbit and no calorie counter is probably as good as any.

Fitbit accuracy for calorie burn


Fitness bands are becoming an important item for everyone in today’s world. You can track your health in real time with just a simple bracelet. Fitness trackers are like a mini-lab on your wrist that provides you with precise, optimal data about your health. Year after year, they improve the accuracy of trackers.

However, a small wristband can never deliver health data equal to expensive lab equipment. So, in this article, we’ll discuss how accurate Fitbit trackers and Fitbit calorie burn count are.We’ll use the Fitbit Charge 2 as the primary product for our Fitbit tracker analysis.

Data from the BMR

Your BMR is the first thing Fitbit calculates (basal metabolic rate). The BMR is the rate at which your body burns calories, exerting no effort. The BMR is determined by considering your age, gender, height, and weight.

When Fitbit trackers, such as the Charge 2, have access to your BMR data. The Fitbit app then counts your calories based on the steps you take throughout the day and the activities you do with the Fitbit app.



Researchers intended to compare the Fitbit Charge 2’s accuracy with that of other Fitbit trackers on the market in the same study. The outcomes were the opposite. The calorie burn from jogging overestimate by up to 40% in the less expensive versions.

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Several of the less expensive models overstated the number of calories burned by walking by 2%. What can we learn about Fitbit accuracy from this study? Simply said, it means that the Fitbit is more precise in tracking the number of calories burned during a run.


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