
Types of Home Insurance

There are several types of insurance of which home insurance is one of the essential types. Everyone needs to get home insurance for several reasons. However, you may feel quite confused about the home insurance to buy out of the various types of home insurance.

In this post, you’ll understand the different types of home insurance available. You’ll come to terms with the home insurance package that suits your present need to cut your budget. Therefore, ensure you stick with this post to the end for complete information on the types of home insurance.


What is Home Insurance?

Home insurance is the type of insurance that covers you from financial problems that relate to your property. It is a type of insurance that reduces the effects of unforeseen circumstances on your home. This type of insurance is vital for every homeowner, and some regions make it compulsory to buy it.


When you buy home insurance, there are numerous benefits to enjoy. However, you might be on a low budget and unable to afford 100% coverage of your home. If such is the case, you need to tailor your package to suit the exact part of your property.

Therefore, there is a need for you to come to terms with the different types of home insurance as listed below:

  • Content Home Insurance
  • Building Home Insurance
  • Holiday Home Insurance
  • Unoccupied Home Insurance
  • Landlord Home Insurance
  • Tenant Home Insurance’
  • High-value Home Insurance
  • Non-standard Home Insurance
  • Listed-building Home Insurance
  • Students Home Insurance

Content Home Insurance

The next thing that comes in on getting a new house is filling it up with several items. All these are good to make it comfortable for living. It’s so gradual that you don’t even notice the cost of those items that fill up your house.

However, it takes just a little calculation before realizing how much it will cost to replace these items. Nevertheless, with content insurance, you get to relax with the mind that if anything happens, it’s on the insurance company.

With content insurance, every item inside the house, from your chairs and rugs to your bags and shoes, is safe. It covers your property against burglary, theft, and elements like fire or water damage.


Furthermore, you must note that you shouldn’t underinsure or overinsure when making the policy. If you are underinsured, you might not get the full payment you require to fix losses. On the other hand, you’ll pay higher premiums if you overinsure.

Hence, ensure you get an insurer calculator to mark all items, costing them all accurately.

Building Home Insurance

This is one of the most important types of home insurance which you should consider purchasing. Building Insurance covers everything that relates to your physical building structure. Consider insurance covering your roof, glasses, garages, kennels, gardens, greenhouses, sheds, walls, gates, etc. 

In many cases, building insurance is mandatory as your mortgage lender may insist you buy one. Other times, you may purchase it alongside content insurance. 

To begin with, building insurance, you need to make a reasonable calculation of the cost of rebuilding your home. Ensure you make a perfect calculation before coming up with the building insurance quote. Also, always inform your insurer of any new building work or extensions to your home as it changes the cost.

Finally, remember that some policies might not cover the fences, walls, and gates.

Holiday Home Insurance

If your home is one which you don’t stay in frequently, you might need separate holiday insurance. It covers homes that you leave empty for long periods.

With holiday home insurance, the insurer considers the risk of burglary, which empty homes usually face. Hence, it comes in very handy.

However, be careful when going for holiday insurance and ensure the house is not your main house. Otherwise, with time, future claims might be pointless.

Also, if you will be renting the house out to someone, you’ll need some additional types of home insurance. Consider public liability insurance as well.

Unoccupied Home Insurance

Sometimes, you may not be present on the property for several reasons. For instance, you may have inherited the house and might not want to live in it. If such is the case, you can buy unoccupied home insurance for it.

With unoccupied home insurance, such property will receive cover from fire or flood damage, vandalism, burglary, etc. Home insurers often don’t like properties being empty for over 30 days as there are more risks. Nevertheless, with this insurance package, you are good to go.

Furthermore, you can customize how long you want the insurance to last in your policy. This type of insurance may range from two months to years.

Landlord Home Insurance

Usually, insurance policies don’t cover for you – the homeowner – but guests on your property. Therefore, you’ll need something that works for house owners as a landlord. With landlord home insurance, this should not be a problem.

Landlord home insurance covers events like loss of rent and public liability. 

Tenant Home Insurance

You should understand that the landlord’s job only revolves around general building insurance as a person renting a house. Hence, you should go for tenant insurance to cover your stuff within the building.

High-value Home Insurance

If your home in question is of high value, there is a different type of insurance for it. For instance, if it contains antiques or jewelry of high worth, you should go for high-net-worth home insurance instead.

Non-standard Home Insurance

Your home might be in a style that considers it weak, say of timber and thatches for fashion. Home insurers don’t like to insure such houses because of the high risks, but non-standard construction insurance settles it. 

Listed-building Home Insurance

This type of insurance comes naturally when you’re living in a precious vicinity to the nation. Many GRAs and other estates have insurance covering them already. This type of insurance is listed-building insurance.

Student Home Insurance

If you’re studying, cut your costs by opting for student insurance. This type of insurance meets students’ needs when they are away at university and unable to come home temporarily.

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