The Sama Bajau People That Last Long In Water


The Sama-Bajau people traditionally come from the island of Sulu Archipelago in the Philippines coastal area of Mindanao.

The Bajau People are part of the tribe of Borneo, they are considered as gypsies for so many good reasons. This peaceful people live their entire lives either in water, or water, or around water. Bajau People build their homes in small boats and spend their lives in water, sometimes they move from one location to another.


In the past, most members of this tribe hard to live in hiding from the outside world, and many of them are still in the middle of nowhere, but they mostly love to live on top of water.

These days, they come ashore just to sell their fishes and then go back inside the water. Bajau People continue to rely on water to make a living, and continue expanding their knowledge of the ocean.

People call them “the nomads if the sea”. Bajau People are not accepted and recognised by neighbouring countries. They don’t allow this fact to get to them, because according to them, it was their choice to live in their isolated paradise. Bajau People speak 10 different languages of Sama-Bajau subgroup of Western Malayo-Polynesia.



Bajau children are so deep into their aquatic heritage at a very young age, they can go as deep as 20 metres inside water and remain there for so many minutes.

Modern Sama-Bajau people are generally regarded as peaceful, hospitable and cheerful people, despite their humble circumstances. But they are also illiterate and uneducated, due to their nomadic lifestyle.

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