Polar Bears
Polar bears are classified as marine mammals, because they spend most of their lives on sea ice of the Artic Ocean. They are also classified as carnivores. They have a thick layer of body fat and a water repellent coat that insulates them from the cold air and water.
Polar bears are very talented swimmers, they can sustain their pace for six miles per hour, by paddling with their front paws.
Polar bears are very strong, even stronger than most animals in African forests. What makes Polar bears so strong is their strong bite force of 1200 pounds per square inch. Polar bears are so strong that they are known to kill many animals with just a slap. Polar bears are very stubborn, and they are scared of nothing.
Today, Polar bears, aka ice bears, are the largest bears in the planet. Adult males weigh more than half a tonne and measure over 8 ft long from head to tail, they are sometimes taller than this.
Did you know that Polar bears are the largest land carnivores?. Male Polar bears (boars), usually grow about two to three times the size of their females (sows). Boars weigh between 350 kg to more than 650kg and they are between 8.2 to 9.8 feet long.
Sows (their females), weigh between 150 to 250kg, and are between 6.0 to 8.2 feet long. Pregnant females can weigh as much as 500kg.
The largest polar bear that has ever been recorded, was a male that weighed 1002kg and measured up to 12ft long.
Polar bears are the ultimate polar nomads, with the largest home range of any terrestrial mammal. Females in the Hudson Bay area of Canada, have been documented to patrol their territory that spans over 350,000 square kilometres, that’s the same size of Germany.
Polar bears usually spend over 50% of their time on hunting for food. A polar bear can catch only one out of ten seals that it hunted for. Their diet mainly consists of ringed and bearded seals, because they need large amounts of fat to survive.
Scientist have said that Polar bears are at risk of a future decline due to climate change and data deficiency. Because of the great loss of the sea habitat, which resulted in a climate change, Due to this fact, polar bears are now listed among threatens species under the Endangered Species Act of May 2008.