
UNU Rector’s Scholarship, USA 2023

UNU Rector’s Scholarship, USA

A full-funded scholarship awaits you in the united state of America, and this offer goes to both local and international students.


Students that desire to study at the UNU Rector’s Scholarship, USA but couldn’t due to financial constraints now apply for the ongoing scholarship at the UNU Rector’s Scholarship, USA…


All interested students should immediately apply so as to choose what they desire …All applicants should go through this post with measure, as this article is already arranged to easy stress for application for the UNU Rector’s Scholarship, USA which is for both local/international students…

How to Apply for UNU Rector’s Scholarship, USA 2023

Scholarship Description:

UNU Rector’s Scholarship, USA 2023 is open for Developing Countries. The scholarship allows Masters level programm(s) in the field of All Subjects taught at United Nations University. The deadline of the scholarship is Open.

Degree Level:

UNU Rector’s Scholarship, USA 2023 is available to undertake Masters level programs at United Nations University.

Available Subjects:

Following subject are available to study under this scholarship program.

  • All Subjects

Scholarship Benefits:

The UNU Rector’s scholarship provides a monthly allowance of 130,000 JPY (subject to change) for living expenses for a maximum of 24 months. Travel costs to and from Japan will be covered by the scholarship. The tuition fees are covered by the donor for the scholarship recipients.


Eligible Nationalities:

Developing Countries

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Applicants must be persons from developing countries* who can demonstrate a need for financial assistance
  • Applicants who are currently living in Japan under a working visa are NOT eligible for the scholarship
  • Applicants who want to pursue a second master’s degree at UNU-IAS are not eligible for the scholarship
  • Not a recipient of other concurrent scholarships
  • Applicants who demonstrated interest in the broader work of the United Nations
READ Also:  Japanese Government Scholarships for Undergraduate, Research & Masters International Students 2023

*Developing countries included in the latest OECD DAC list.

Additional Requirements
  • Recipients of the Rector’s Scholarship are required to write a short reflection on their learnings and experiences of their time at UNU. One written paper, totaling 400 words, is requested once a year. For the final paper, recipients are also encouraged to reflect on their future plans.
  • Recipients will agree to foster good collaboration with UNU such as through participating in activities, events and other opportunities offered at UNU and promoting UNU activities amongst the student body.
  • Recipients will agree to uphold the core values of the United Nations, such as integrity and respect for diversity.

Application Procedure:

Students are required to register online to begin their admission process. Then, they will receive a link for the application. Scholarship application details will also be informed in time.


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