
Jean Kennoway Howells Scholarship at Edinburgh University

Are you a student looking for Scholarships or funds to carry on your educational needs? If yes, The Jean Kennoway Howells Scholarship at Edinburgh University is available for various course levels and the scholarship is offered by different universities and colleges.

Jean Kennoway Howells Scholarship at Edinburgh University




The Jean Kennoway Howells Scholarship at Edinburgh University and grants are for both local and international students. So interested students should start now and search for the courses that suit them.

Applications for Jean Kennoway Howells Scholarship at Edinburgh University are now open. Just take your time and go through this post, as this article has arranged every detail you need and listed the top Nursing scholarships for national and international students.

How to Apply for Jean Kennoway Howells Scholarship at Edinburgh University

Here are some brief descriptions of the top Jean Kennoway Howells Scholarship at Edinburgh University.

Brief Description

The applications for Jean Kennoway Howells Scholarship are now being accepted. This scholarship supports a master’s degree program at Reid School of Music at the university. The selected applicants will receive £9,000 which is tenable for one academic year. To be eligible, candidates should have an offer from the school.

Scholarship Description

In the 2023 academic year, there are a number of taught master’s scholarships of Jean Kennoway Howells Scholarship available in the Reid School of Music. This scholarship will be given for one academic year. Please note, only prospective students are welcome to apply for this scholarship.


Scholarship Value

The scholarship recipient is expected to receive £9,000 and is tenable for one academic year.

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Level and Area of Studies

All candidates interested in the Jean Kennoway Howells Scholarship have the opportunity to pursue a Master’s degree in all subjects offered at the Reid School of Music.

Place of Study

The place of study for candidates who want the Jean Kennoway Howells Scholarship is Reid School of Music, Edinburgh University, UK

Eligibility and Criteria

  • This scholarship is available for those who have received an offer to study by the scholarship deadline.
  • The scholarship will be awarded broadly on the basis of academic merit. Candidates must have, or expect to obtain, a UK first-class or 2:1 honors degree at the undergraduate level or the international equivalent.
  • The selection panel will also take into account financial circumstances to ensure that as far as the possible financial need does not impede a university education.

Applicants’ Nationality

UK students are welcome to apply for the Jean Kennoway Howells scholarship.

Application Instruction

Before applying for this scholarship, please ensure that you have been admitted to the master’s program at the university. The application for this scholarship can be submitted online.

Submission Deadline

The application deadline for the Jean Kennoway Howells scholarship is March 2, 2023.

Website and Application Link

Main Scholarship Page


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