
Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme at Sheffield Hallam University 2023, UK

Are you a student looking for Scholarships or funds to carry on your educational needs? If yes, The Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme is available for various course levels and the scholarship is offered by different universities and colleges.

Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme




The Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme and grants are for both local and international students. So interested students should start now and search for the courses that suit them.

Applications for Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme are now open. Just take your time and go through this post, as this article has arranged every detail you need and listed the top Nursing scholarships for national and international students.

How to Apply for Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme

Here are some brief descriptions of the top Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme.

Brief Description

Sheffield Hallam University participates in the Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme (CSSS) and welcomes applications from eligible students in developing countries for the 2023 scholarship award.

The scholarships will be awarded to well-qualified students who demonstrate academic, personal or professional achievement on their scholarship application form. Successful applicants will be awarded a certificate to mark their achievement following enrolment on their course.


Level/Field of study:

The scholarships are available for pursuing the Master’s program in the field of International Hospitality and Tourism Management, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Advanced Mechanical Engineering, Urban Planning, Nutrition with Public Health Management, Healthcare Education, Design (Product) and Environmental Management.

Host Nationality:

The scholarship is hosted by the Sheffield Hallam University UK. There are other UK Scholarships available for International students in 2023.

You can utilize these scholarship opportunities to solve most of your academics problems. Check out other scholarships you can apply for in 2023 to study in EuropeAfricaAsiaAmerica, etc.

READ Also:  Chinese Government Scholarships For International Students 2023-2023

Eligible Nationality:

The scholarship is open to international students from developing Commonwealth countries. Aside from the Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme at Sheffield Hallam University, there are other scholarships available to international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

Scholarship Worth:

The CSSS has a value that covers tuition fees, living and travel costs for the duration of a full-time taught masters course.

Scholarship Number:

In 2023, Sheffield Hallam University will be allocated three CSSS scholarships. If you are an international student and you desire to study in the UK. Check out the best scholarships obtainable for study in the UK

The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the scholarship:

  • be nationals of (or permanently domiciled in) a Commonwealth developing country (see list below), and not be currently living or studying in a developed country
  • hold a first degree at either first or upper second class level
  • have not previously worked for one year or more in a developed country
  • have not undertaken tertiary studies outside their home country
  • be able to confirm in writing that neither they nor their families would otherwise be able to pay for the proposed course of study
  • return to their home country within one month of the end of their course

Application Procedure: 

Please submit your application via the CSSS electronic application system.

Please include the following documents in your online application

  • a copy of your IELTS certificate (or equivalent)
  • copies of your qualifications

If you do not include these supporting documents, then your application could be delayed. You can add the documents as a PDF to your online application.

READ Also:  HSC Scholarship for Bangladeshi Students

Visit the Scholarship Webpage for details

Application Deadline:

Application Deadline is usually on 29th March in that academic session.


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