
APPLY Now: EdChoice Scholarship Program 2023

Are you a student looking for Scholarships or funds to carry on your educational needs? If yes, The EdChoice Scholarship Program is available for various course levels and the scholarship is offered by different universities and colleges.

EdChoice Scholarship Program




The EdChoice Scholarship Program and grants are for both local and international students. So interested students should start now and search for the courses that suit them.

Applications for EdChoice Scholarship Program are now open. Just take your time and go through this post, as this article has arranged every detail you need and listed the top Nursing scholarships for national and international students.

How to Apply for EdChoice Scholarship Program

Here are some brief descriptions of the top EdChoice Scholarship Program.

Level/Field of study

The Educational Choice Scholarship is for High school.

Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.


Host Nationality

EdChoice Scholarship Program 2022 is hosted by School Choice Ohio. If you are an international student and you wish to study in the USA, this is for you Latest USA Undergraduate Scholarships 2022

Eligible Nationality for The Educational Choice Scholarship

It makes the scholarship available for students who are citizens of Ghana.

You can also check our scholarship by country category for more scholarship updates. A must-read if you want to win this award: 15 Important Tips on Winning a Scholarship

Scholarship Benefits:

The EdChoice scholarship amount is currently $4650 for grades K-8 and $6000 for grades 9-12. EdChoice will pay either the scholarship amount or the private school’s actual tuition amount, whichever is less.

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NOTE: The Educational Choice Scholarship amount covers tuition ONLY. Parents and guardians still may have to pay registration fees, material fees and other similar types of fees.

Families who qualify for low-income status do not have to pay any tuition that is not covered by the scholarship.

However, if the private school’s tuition is higher than the EdChoice Scholarship amount and if the family does not qualify for low-income status, the family may have to pay the difference.

Scholarship Number:

The number of EdChoice Scholarship program the opening is not specified.

Eligibility for the EdChoice Scholarship program 2022

In order to participate in the student competition, entrants have to fulfill the following standards:

  • Your kid attends one of those colleges among the listing
  • Each child Is at the public college school and can be delegated to attend a few of those colleges around the listing for the upcoming college year
  • Your kid attends a charter school, however, is delegated to attend a college among the listing
  • All child is homeschooled, hasn’t attended an Ohio college, also can be delegated to attend a college on the list.

How to Apply for The Educational Choice Scholarship

To apply for this School Choice Ohio scholarship, applicants should follow the measures as provided below:

  • Start shopping – Review the list of participating private schools. Make use of the test tools, and pick the faculty among the list that’s the very best fit for the own child and loved ones. You’re able to see the development tools throughout the link:
    Apply to a private school – Apply to the participating private school(s) of one’s selection. Your kid will go through the regular admission process at your faculty.
    Scholarship application –In case your son or daughter is accepted, then the personal school you select is going to apply to your scholarship for your benefit.
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Application Deadline for The EdChoice Scholarship program 2023: 

The first application period begins on February 1 and ends on April 30, 2023. The second application period begins July 1 and ends on July 31, 2023. Families must contact the participating private school and complete the enrollment/admission process for that school.

Once students have been accepted for enrollment at a taking part private school for fall 2023, they can then apply for an EdChoice Scholarship through the taking part private school. Participating private schools can enter scholarship applications for students through the secure online application system.

Link for More Information:


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