
Excellence Scholarships 2023 – Marconi International University, Miami, USA

Excellence Scholarships 2023 - Marconi International University, Miami, USA

A full-funded scholarship awaits you in the united state of America, and this offer goes to both local and international students.


Students that desire to study at the Excellence Scholarships but couldn’t due to financial constraints now apply for the ongoing scholarship at the Excellence Scholarships…


All interested students should immediately apply so as to choose what they desire …All applicants should go through this post with measure, as this article is already arranged to easy stress for application for the Excellence Scholarships which is for both local/international students…

How to Apply for Excellence Scholarships 2023

Scholarship Description:

Excellence Scholarships 2023 – Marconi International University, Miami, USA is open for International Students. The scholarship allows Undergraduate level programm(s) in the field of All Subjects taught at Marconi International University . The deadline of the scholarship is Open.

Marconi International University is offering 300 Excellence Scholarships a year. These scholarships will provide a 55% waiver on tuition fees. The Scholarships will be available for online programs delivered in English or Spanish.


These scholarships are only available for international students in America who demonstrate high potential and good academic records.


Degree Level:

Excellence Scholarships 2023 – Marconi International University, Miami, USA is available to undertake Undergraduate level programs at Marconi International University.

Available Subjects:

Following subject are available to study under this scholarship program.

  • All Subjects

Eligible Nationalities:

All Nationalities

Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible, candidates need to write an essay of 300 words explaining their motivation to enroll at Marconi and why are they considered a high potential candidate along with their updated resume/CV. Marconi’s scholarship committee will evaluate the request, communicating the results to the candidates on a weekly basis.

Application Procedure:

To begin the application process, new applicants must follow the process for submitting an online application for an Undergraduate degree. The program also includes a section for scholarship applications. You can access the online application form here.


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