List of Courses offered at Kenya Medical Training College
List of Courses offered at Kenya Medical Training College
The Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) list of courses/programmes Offered Undergraduate, Diploma and Certificate, Masters, PhD courses as listed below.
All candidates that have an interest in studying in the college are to take note is these courses:
Here is a list of courses or programmes offered at Kenya Medical Training College
List of Courses/Programmes Offered at Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC)
Higher diploma course in clinical medicine (mental health and psychiatry)- has been started at KMTC Mathare. It is aimed at helping the country bridge the huge gap that exists in mental health services.
Diploma in Health Education and Promotion – has been started at Nairobi campus. This course was previously offered at higher diploma level only. It now targets form four leavers and aims at equipping students with skills in prevention of diseases.
Kenya Medical Training College offers
Higher Diploma
a) Higher Diploma in:
Intensive Care/Critical care Nursing
Psychiatric Nursing
Diploma in Nursing or in Community Health Nursing (KRN/KRCHN)- Two years working experience
Ophthalmic Nursing
Community Health Nursing
Food Science and Inspection
Occupational Health and Safety
Solid Waste Management
b) Higher Diploma in Health Education and Promotion
c) Higher Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences:
d) Higher Diploma in Clinical Medicine and surgery:
e) Higher Diploma in Medical Education
f) Higher Diploma in Medical Imaging Sciences (ULTRASOUND)
Post Basic Certificate in Ultrasound and Image Pattern Analysis (USIPA)
g) Higher Diploma in Medical Engineering
h) Higher Diploma in Pharmacy
i) Higher Diploma in Community Health and HIV/AIDS care
j) Higher Diploma in Sensory Integration
Diploma in Community Health Nursing
Minimum Entry Requirement
a) KCSE Minimum aggregate C plain with C in English or Kiswahili and Biology or Biological sciences
b) C- in Chemistry or physical sciences and in any one of following Physics Mathematics
c) Any Science degree holder from a recognized university (by the academic board) and who demonstrate interests in Nursing training
Diploma in Community Oral Health
Minimum Entry Requirement
• An average grade C (Plain) or above. Grade C (Plain) or credit in English/Kiswahili and Biology or Biological Sciences.
• C- (Minus) or credit in any two of the following: Chemistry, Physics or Physical Science, Mathematics or General Sciences.
Diploma in Environmental Health Science
Minimum Entry Requirement
• KCSE Mean grade of C (plain) and C (plain) in English or Kiswahili and Biology or Biological Sciences
• C- in any of the three Physics, Physical Science, Chemistry
Diploma in Medical Laboratory science
Minimum Entry Requirement
• Mean Grade C (Plain) plus C in English/Kiswahili and Biology or Biological and Chemistry or Physical Sciences
• C in any one of the following Physics/Physical Science, Mathematics
Diploma in Pharmacy
Minimum Entry Requirement
• KCSE minimum aggregate C plain with the following specific requirements: C in English or Kiswahili and Chemistry or Physical Science and Biology, and C in any one of the following: Physics, Mathematics. .
• Any qualification considered equivalent by the academic board
Diploma in Clinical Medicine
Minimum Entry Requirement
a) KCSE with mean grade C in Mandatory subjects, English/Kiswahili, Biology or Biological Sciences. Additional subjects: C- in Physics or Mathematics
Diploma in Medical Imaging Sciences
Minimum Entry Requirement
• Aggregate (C plain). C (plain) in: English or Kiswahili and Physics or Physical Science and Biology and Biological Sciences
• C- in either Mathematics or Chemistry.
Diploma in Orthopedic Technology Minimum Entry Requirement
• C plain in either English or Kiswahili and Biology plus C plain in Mathematics or Physics or Physical Sciences
• C- in any one of the following Chemistry, Woodwork, Technical Drawing, Mathematics, Physics or Physical Science, Metal Work.
Diploma in Physiotherapy
Minimum Entry Requirement
• C plain in either English or Kiswahili plus C plain in Mathematics or Physics and C- in any two (2) of the following: Chemistry, or Physics or Mathematics
Diploma in Community Nutrition
• KCSE mean grade C and C in Mandatory subjects, English/Kiswahili, Biology or Biological Sciences.
• C- in 2 Additional subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Home Sciences, Agriculture, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physical science
Diploma in Dental Technology
KCSE with mean grade C plain in either English or Kiswahili plus C plain in Physics or Physical Sciences or Chemistry
C- in Biology and in any one of the following: Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics or Physical Science, Metal Work
Diploma in Health Records and Information Technology
• C plain in either English or Kiswahili and in Mathematics
• Also C- in Biology and in any of one of the following Physics or Physical Sciences, Chemistry, Computer studies
Diploma in Registered Nursing-Mental Health and Psychiatry (KRN-MHP)
• KCSE mean grade C and C in Mandatory subjects, English/Kiswahili, Biology or Biological Sciences.
• C- in Physical science/Chemistry and in any one of the following Physics and Mathematics
Diploma in Occupational Therapy
• KCSE mean grade C and C in Mandatory subjects, English/Kiswahili, Biology or Biological Sciences.
• Also C- in any of the of the following two subject Physics or Physical Sciences, Chemistry, Mathematics, Agriculture, Home Science
Diploma in Optometry
• KCSE mean grade C and C in Mandatory subjects, English/Kiswahili, Biology or Biological Sciences
• Also C- in any of the of the following subject Biology, Bilogical Science, Physics or Physical Sciences, Chemistry
Diploma in Medical Engineering
Minimum Entry Requirement
• C plain in either English or Kiswahili and Mathematics and Physics or Physical Sciences
• C- in any one of the following Biology/Biological Science, Chemistry, Technical Drawing, , Metal Work.
Certificate Courses
• Minimum KSCE Grade is C-
A. Community Health Nursing
Minimum requirements:
• C- in English or Kiswahili and Biology or Biological science
• D+ in Chemistry or Physical science and D+ in either Physics, Mathematics
B. Health Records and Information Technology
Minimum requirements
• C- in English or Kiswahili and D+ in Biology
• D+ in one of the following Mathematics, Sciences Physics, Physical Science, Chemistry, General Science, Computer studies, Agriculture, Home science
C. Medical Engineering Technology
Minimum requirements
• Mean grade of (C-minus) ,C- in English or Kiswahili and D+ in Mathematic and D in Physics / Physical sciences.
• D in any one of the following; Chemistry or Biology or Biological Science or Metal Work, or Electricity or Technical Drawing
D. Certificate in Community Nutrition
Minimum requirements
• C- Minus in English or Kiswahili and Biology/ Biological Sciences
• D+ any one of the following Home science, Physics, Physical Science, Agriculture, Mathematics
E. Certificate in Orthopedic Plaster Technology
C- Minus in English or Kiswahili and Biology/ Biological Sciences
• D+ in Mathematics or Physics/Physical Science and in one of the following Physics, Physical Science, Agriculture, Chemistry, Mathematics, Home science
Environmental Health Sciences
• Diploma in Environmental Health Sciences
• Higher Diploma in Epidemiology (parallel)
• In-service diploma in Environmental Health Sciences
Diploma in Pharmacy
• Higher Diploma in Pharmacy
o Certificate in Orthopaedic Plaster
o Diploma in Orthopedic Technology
Nursing certificate courses
• Kenya Enrolled – Psychiatric Nursing
• Kenya Enrolled Nursing
Nursing Diploma courses
• Preservice Basic Diploma- Nursing
• Diploma in Community Health Nursing ((Distance Learning/E- learning)
Nursing Higher Diploma Courses
• Kenya Registered Psychiatric Nursing (post-basic)
• Kenya Registered Peri-operative Nursing (post-basic)
• Kenya Registered Opthalmological Nursing (post-basic)
• Kenya Registered Midwifery (post-basic)
• Kenya Registered Critical Care Nursing (post-basic)
• Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing (post-basic)
Nursing In service courses
• In-service Basic Diploma – Nursing
• In-service upgrading Enrolled Nursing/ Midwifery to KRCHN
Medical Laboratory Sciences
• Diploma Courses
• Higher Diploma Courses
Medical Imaging Sciences
• Diploma Courses
• Higher Diploma Courses
Medical Engineering
• Certificate Courses
• Higher Diploma Courses
• In-service Diploma Courses
• Pre-Service Diploma Courses
Dental Technology
• Clinical Sciences
• Occupational Therapy
• Medical Education1
• Higher Diploma Courses
• Optometry
• Community Oral Health
• Health Records & Information
• Nutrition