List of Courses offered at Egerton University
The Egerton University (EU) list of courses/programmes Offered Undergraduate, Diploma and Certificate, Masters, PhD courses as listed below.
All candidates that have an interest in studying in the college are to take note is these courses:
Here is a list of courses or programmes offered at Egerton University
List of Courses/Programmes Offered at Egerton University (EU)
- Diploma in Agricultural Education & Extension
- Diploma in Animal Health
- Diploma in Animal Science and Technology
- Diploma in Business Management
- Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery
- Diploma in Computer Science
- Diploma in Dairy Technology
- Diploma in Dryland Resources Management
- Diploma in Eco-tourism and Hospitality Management
- Diploma in Education (Arts)
- Diploma in Education (Primary)
- Diploma in Farm Resource Management
- Diploma in Gender, Women and Development Studies
- Diploma in Horticulture
- Diploma in Human Resources Management
- Diploma in Library and Information Science
- Diploma in Military Science
- Diploma in Modern Chemistry Laboratory Technology
- Diploma in Procurement and Supplies Management
- B. Sc in Agriculture
- B. Sc. in Animal Sciences
- B. Sc. in Natural Resources Management
- B. Sc. in Water and Environmental Engineering
- B. Sc. in Wildlife Enterprise and Management
- B.A. in Communication & Media
- B.A. in Economics & Sociology
- B.A. in Economics and History
- B.A. in English and Communication
- B.A. in Gender, Women and Development Studies
- B.A. in History
- B.A. in History and International Studies
- B.A. in Kiswahili and Communication
- B.A. in Peace Education
- B.A. in Sociology and Religious Studies
- B.Ed. (Arts)
- B.Ed. (Early Childhood Development & Education)
- B.Ed. (Primary)
- B.Ed. (Science)
- B.Sc. in Software Engineering
- B.Sc. (Agricultural Education and Extension)
- B.Sc. (Clothing, Textiles and Interior Design)
- B.Sc. (Community Development)
- B.Sc. in Actuarial Science
- B.Sc. in Agricultural Economics
- B.Sc. in Agricultural Engineering
- B.Sc. in Agriculture
- B.Sc. in Animal Health Management
- B.Sc. in Applied Aquatic Sciences
- B.Sc. in Applied Computer Science
- B.Sc. in Biochemistry
- B.Sc. in Biomedical Science and Technology
- B.Sc. in Computer Science
- B.Sc. in Criminology and Security Studies
- B.Sc. in Dairy Technology and Management
- B.Sc. in Dryland Resources Management
- B.Sc. in Economics and Statistics
- B.Sc. in Ecotourism and Hospitality management
- B.Sc. in Environmental Science
- B.Sc. in Food Science and Technology
- B.Sc. in Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics
- B.Sc. in Geography
- B.Sc. in Horticulture
- B.Sc. in Instrumentation and Control Engineering
- B.Sc. in Integrated Forest Resources Management
- B.Sc. in Manufacturing Engineering and Technology
- B.Sc. in Nursing
- B.Sc. in Soil Environment and Land Use Management
- B.Sc. in Statistics
- Bachelor of Agribusiness Management
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
- Bachelor of Business Information and Management
- Bachelor of Business Management
- Bachelor of Catering and Hotel Management
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Cooperative Management
- Bachelor of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
- Bachelor of Industrial Technology
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Library and Information Studies
- Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
- Bachelor of Military Science
- Bachelor of Psychology
- Bachelor of Purchasing and Supplies Management
- Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine
- Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering
- Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
- BSc. (Agriculture and Human Ecology Extension)
- Postgraduate Diploma in Education
- Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental and Social Sciences Research
- Methods
- Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental and Sustainable Development
- Postgraduate Diploma in Gender, Poverty and Development
- Postgraduate Diploma in Probation Practice and Correctional Studies
- Joint Degree Master Programme in Limnology and Wetland Management
- M. A. in Urban Management
- M. Sc. in Soil Sciences
- M.A. in Gender, Women and Development Studies
- M.A. (Guidance and Counseling)
- M.A. Criminology and Criminal Justice
- M.A. in Applied Linguistics
- M.A. in Economics
- M.A. in English Language and Linguistics
- M.A. in History
- M.A. in Kiswahili
- M.A. in Literature
- M.A. in Sociology
- M.A. Security Management
- M.A./M.Sc. in Geography
- M.Ed. (Curriculum and Instruction)
- M.Ed. (Educational Foundations)
- M.Ed. (Educational Management)
- M.Ed. (Guidance and Counseling)
- M.Ed. (Science Education)
- M.Sc. in Animal Breeding and Genetics
- M.Sc. (Agricultural Education)
- M.Sc. (Agricultural Extension)
- M.Sc. (Community Studies and Extension)
- M.Sc. in Agribusiness Management
- M.Sc. in Agricultural and Applied Economics
- M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics
- M.Sc. in Agricultural Engineering
- M.Sc. in Agricultural Information and Communication Management
- M.Sc. in Agronomy
- M.Sc. in Animal Nutrition
- M.Sc. in Animal Physiology
- M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics
- M.Sc. in Biochemistry
- M.Sc. in Chemistry
- M.Sc. in Crop Protection
- M.Sc. in Dryland Agro-Pastoral Systems
- M.Sc. in Dryland Farming
- M.Sc. in Dryland Integrated Land Management Systems
- M.Sc. in Dryland Resources Management
- M.Sc. in Engineering Systems and Management
- M.Sc. in Environmental and Occupational Health
- M.Sc. in Environmental Science
- M.Sc. in Food Science
- M.Sc. in Horticulture
- M.Sc. in Limnology
- M.Sc. in Livestock Production Systems
- M.Sc. in Medical Parasitology
- M.Sc. in Natural Resources and Peace
- M.Sc. in Natural Resources Management
- M.Sc. in Nutritional Sciences
- M.Sc. in Physics
- M.Sc. in Plant Biotechnology
- M.Sc. in Plant Breeding
- M.Sc. in Plant Pathology
- M.Sc. in Pure Mathematics
- M.Sc. in Soil and Water Engineering
- M.Sc. in Statistics
- M.Sc. in Water Resources and Environmental Management
- Master of Business Administration
- Master of Human Resource Management
- Master of information Science
- Master of Information Systems
- Master of Journalism and Mass Communication
- Master of Knowledge Management
- Master of Research and Public Policy
- Masters in Measurement and Evaluation
- Masters of Agricultural Engineering
- Nursing Diploma – Kenya Registered Community Health (In-service)
- Ph.D. (Agricultural and Rural Innovation)
- Ph.D. (Agricultural Education)
- Ph.D. (Agricultural Extension)
- Ph.D. (Community Studies and Extension)
- Ph.D. (Counseling Psychology)
- Ph.D. (Curriculum and Instruction)
- Ph.D. (Educational Foundations)
- Ph.D. (Educational Management)
- Ph.D. (Educational Psychology)
- Ph.D. (Guidance and Counseling)
- Ph.D. (Mathematics Education)
- Ph.D. (Science Education)
- Ph.D. in Agribusiness Management
- Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics
- Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering
- Ph.D. in Agronomy
- Ph.D. in Animal Science
- Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics
- Ph.D. in Biochemistry
- Ph.D. in Business and Management (Course Work Option)
- Ph.D. in Business and Management (Research Option)
- Ph.D. in Chemistry
- Ph.D. in Crop Protection
- Ph.D. in Dryland Agriculture and Resource Management
- Ph.D. in Economics
- Ph.D. in English Language and Linguistics
- Ph.D. in Environmental and Occupational Health
- Ph.D. in Environmental Science
- Ph.D. in Food Science
- Ph.D. in Geography
- Ph.D. in History
- Ph.D. in Horticulture
- Ph.D. in Kiswahili
- Ph.D. in Limnology
- Ph.D. in Literature
- Ph.D. in Medical Parasitology
- Ph.D. in Natural Resources Management
- Ph.D. in Nutritional Sciences
- Ph.D. in Physics
- Ph.D. in Plant Biotechnology
- Ph.D. in Plant Breeding
- Ph.D. in Plant Pathology
- Ph.D. in Pure Mathematics
- Ph.D. in Religious Studies
- Ph.D. in Sociology
- Ph.D. in Soil Science
- Ph.D. in Statistics
- Ph.D. in Urban Management
- PhD in Gender, Women and Development Studies
- Doctor of Philosophy in Dryland Resources Management
- Doctor of Philosophy in Natural Resources and Peace