Life Audit
A life audit is a full, thorough assessment of your life. You take stock of anything that’s taking up time, space, mental energy, and physical energy. This thorough assessment will give you a clear picture of your life, what’s going well, and what isn’t going well.
When did you last sat down to access your life to determine whether or not your life is going the way you planned or wanted and if not what kinda measures should be taken to correct it?
As a person it is wise to at least once in a while sit up and determine the altitude of your life.
How does your character affect the people around you, what do people say about you, is it good or bad, is it true, is there anything you can do about it or not?
The people in your life how does their character or attitude affects you?
Do they affect you negatively or positively?
Which of the people in your circle do you think inspires you or have a common goals with and for that matter deserves much of your attention and time? Which of them deserves just greetings and pass or less attention and time?
Which of them do you have to ignore?
How is your spiritual life?
We owe a duty to our creator thus worship Him!
How is your prayer life?
Is your spiritual life getting better or worst?
There are some people that when you take money or gifts from, you loose something or you loose the money you took in a way that you cant actually recall what you did with it.
Sometimes you dont need a Prophet to tell you to avoid certain people or certain places….
If you’re vigilant and take notes of events as and when they happen, you can sometimes become conscious of your life choices and its implications!
Asking yourself questions of these nature helps you to come back to your senses because time waits for no man!
If you want to succeed in life, one of the best tools you can’t ignore is “life Audit” because it helps you to fulfil your purposes in life!
If you’re not fond of doing this, it is wise to start doing so cause it really works!