Inferiority Complex


Mima is indeed a beautiful girl but at the same time never allowed anyone to tell her that.

She believes she’s wonderfully made.

Every morning she stands in front of the standing mirror staring at herself from head to toe, and she will say to herself “Mima, I’m so beautiful.” 


In a terrible state, healthy state, whatever state she is, she never said saw herself as ugly.

On the other hand, her beautiful friend Jenny never saw herself as beautiful.

She always says she’s ugly even though Mima always tried to tell her that she isn’t ugly in any way.

Jenny always feels inferior.


 She’s not always free with friends outside because she feels she will be tagged as ugly among her friends.

Making yourself feel inferior will make others see you as inferior.

Others will not hesitate to look down on you because you already looked down on yourself.

What’s that thing you are telling yourself you can’t do? 


Beloved, I’m telling you, you can do it as much as it’s not bad.

Stop looking down on yourself. 

Try it, and watch the result.

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