Equatorial Guinea is located in the Eastern end of the Gulf of Guinea, West coast of Africa, and the only African country that is located in the middle of an Ocean. This is one of the so many reasons why this country is very unique. Another unique factor about this country, is that they are the only Spanish speaking country in Africa.
Among the tribes in this country, is one unique tribe which can also be found in Nigeria. Not only found in Nigeria, but also one of the three major tribes in Nigeria. This is the Igbo tribe, which is located in the South Eastern part of Nigeria.
The Igbo language has been officially declared by the government of Equatorial Guinea, as the third largest language in the country, after Fang and Bubi tribes. Although the population of Igbos in the country is small compared to the Fang and Bubi tribes, they are still a major tribe in the country.
The Igbo speaking people of Equatorial Guinea, are well over 30,000 people, although, Equatorial Guinea itself, is a relatively small country. Even though they are a minority, they are still one of the major tribes in this country of 1.2 million inhabitants. The Igbo tribe of Equatorial Guinea practice marginal Christianity. This kind of of Christianity is different from the normal kind of Christianity that is being practiced in other parts of Africa and the world in general. The Igbo tribe of Equatorial Guinea, just like their Nigerian counterparts, are still very much into traditional beliefs, customs and doing things in the typical African way.
Formerly known as Fernando Po, they are the people in the largest region of Equatorial Guinea. Amongst the languages that is spoken by this people, are English, Spanish, Fang, Bubi and the Igbo language.
The original inhabitants of Bioko, is a group of people that are called the Bubi tribe, they are the defendants of the mainland Bantu tribes.
Lots of Nigerians have wondered if there’s any connection between the Igbo speaking tribe of Equatorial Guinea and the Igbo speaking tribe of Nigeria, but up till date, no connection has been established about the history of both tribes, even though they speak the same language. This leaves us guessing and every one seeing it as a mystery.