
How to know If You Have OMICRON Corona

With Omicron spreading round the world, scientists offer tell tale signs to know if one has contracted it.

Research into Omicron has revealed that the super mutant variant shows different symptoms from previous variants such as Delta.

Its symptoms are different from those of the “older ” variants, and are more similar to a common cold.

It has also been revealed that 89% of those infected with the Omicron coronavirus variant show the same “initial” sign.

These early signs, according to the American Center for Disease Control and Prevention, include a dry cough and a “scratchy throat”, with some others also reporting fatigue, congestion, sneezing or a runny nose.

The most common symptoms of the traditional Covid are a high temperature, a new and continuous cough or a loss/change in sense of taste or smell.

Though the symptoms of the Omicron variant have mostly been found to be mild, there are fears that it is more transmissible and can evade vaccine immunity.

Besides, being more similar to a common cold, Omicron symptoms have also been described as being far more mild by South African Doctor, Angelique Coetzee.

However, Dr Coetzee, who was the first person to raise an alarm over Omicron, which originated in Souther Africa, has warned that some symptoms may be felt more intensely.

She said that some patients infected with Omicron – especially those who are unvaccinated – seem to suffer from intense headache and sore muscles (myalgia).

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