E4D Continuing Education Scholarship 2023-2023| ETH Zurich Switzerland

The Engineering for Development (E4D) Continuing Education Scholarship 2023-2023 at ETH Zurich, Switzerland is back on again. Another opportunity to have a better shot at life and education. Here, you get to travel and see the world in a different pair of lenses even while studying. More so, you have to look into this opportunity and check if it matches your goals and then, you can take the appropriate steps by applying for the Engineering for Development E4D Continuing  Education Scholarship 2023-2023 batch.


The E4D Continuing Scholarship program

The Education Continuing Scholarship program is sponsored by the Sawiris Foundation for Social Development (SFSD) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.


Firstly, the Sawiris Foundation for Social Development in Egypt aims to support talented individuals at different academic levels and educational organizations to their full potential. Also, they support Egypt’s socio-economic development. In line with that, the Sawiris Foundation has succeeded in funding and delivering programs aimed at achieving comprehensive and sustainable development, in partnership with the private and government sectors as well as civil society.


Furthermore, the Sawiris Foundation’s mission is to support sustainable development solutions so that poverty will become a thing of the past. And also, provide equitable educational opportunities for the most marginalized groups in Egypt.



The Engineering for Development (E4D) Continuing Education Scholarship Program gives scholarships to individuals. So, this scholarship covers travel expenses and living expenses for qualified candidates from low-income countries. This means that the eligible candidates get to attend continuing education programs at ETH Zurich.


By the way, more than one hundred and ten continuing education programs are available for successful candidates in different fields. These courses offered by ETH Zurich are mostly for academically trained specialists who work in research institutes, companies, teachers, and consultants.


More than ever, the goal of this scholarship program is to grow the knowledge and skills of future leaders. So that they can, in turn, contribute to capacity development and reduce poverty in their home countries.



  • The candidate must hold a completed and recognized Master’s degree from a university.
  • Must show proof of at least, two years of working experience.
  • English standard of TOEFL level C1. Also, if the continuing education program requires a minimum level in another language, proof of this level also needs to be submitted.
  • The scholarship is open for countries found on this list. This is minus the upper-middle-income countries.
  • Candidates need to be accepted by the school for continuing education, ETH Zurich as well as the MAS, DAS, or CAS program office.


Application Process

  • Now, the application process is in two stages.
  1. Application to the selected MAS, DAS, or CAS Program (independent of the E4D application).
  2. The application to the E4D Continuing Education Scholarship Program


  • Please note that candidates will only be considered for an E4D Continuing Education Scholarship if they are admitted to an ETH MAS, DAS, or CAS program. Therefore, the admission confirmation letter from the school for Continuing Education for the semester is a compulsory part.


Step 1: Application to MAS, DAS, or CAS program



Consult the program web page and/or the program management to receive information on the deadlines, program fees, application procedures, and application documentation for the selected MAS, DAS, or CAS program.

MAS programs are listed here: https://bit.ly/ETH_MAS

DAS programs are listed here: https://bit.ly/ETH_DAS

CAS programs are listed here: https://bit.ly/ETH_CAS



Step 2: Application for the E4D Continuing Education Scholarship compulsory application documentation:

  • CV of the candidate (max. 2 pages)
  • MSc or Masters Diploma and academic transcript(s) including grades
  • 1-2 page application letter, stating the motivation to attend the program and the impact on the candidate’s career development and beyond.
  • Two professional reference letters.
  • Formal admission letter by the school for Continuing Education confirming that the candidate is admitted to the MAS, DAS, or CAS program.
  • Certificate of employment. The certificate of employment letter must be sent to the E4D program office directly through the employer and not the applicant. [email protected]
  • The CV must date of birth, gender, and nationality.

Application submitted via email will not be considered. So, the application must be submitted HERE

Evaluation of the applications

  • The ETH4D Exchanges and Scholarship committee consists of members of the ETH4D Executive Office and an external member.
  • Certification of English Language level (minimum TOEFL level C1) or other internationally recognized English Language certificates. However, if the program demands another minimum level in another language, the candidate must submit proof of that certificate.

The scholarship scheme is a very competitive one so, it is meant for the brightest and the most determined candidates. Applicants are notified at the latest two months after application deadlines. Incomplete applications will not be considered.


For further information: www.eth4d.ethz.ch or [email protected]


  • Economy round trip ticket (Max. 2,000 CHF)
  • Visa fees
  • Living allowance for the duration of the program
  • ETH general tuition fee waiver (660 CHF per semester)

The following expenses will not be covered by the scholarship

  • However, the program fees of the MAS, CAS, or DAS are not covered by the E4D Continuing Education Scholarship.
  • Firstly, the general application fee of the school for Continuing Education of 150 CHF will not be covered. But if the application to the E4D Continuing Education Scholarship is valid but not selected, the fee will be refunded to the candidates from low-income countries.

Please NOTE: Only candidates that were admitted to ETH MAS, DAS, or CAS program based on their academic and their professional qualifications are considered for a scholarship.


More so, candidates must apply to both the Continuation Education Program and the E4D Scholarship.

Importantly, candidates are all advised to contact the program coordinator of their chosen fields regarding the time frame of the admission process. This is to help them get the admission letter before the scholarship application deadline.

Applications are currently ongoing.

Closing date: April 30, 2023


Apply online: HERE

The E4D Continuing Education Scholarship might be that push you need to leave your comfort zone and become a high-flying, successful individual. Remember, every opportunity is a chance to get you closer to your dream life.

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