Brazilian Town Where Only Women Are Allowed To Live In


This is not a story of the Amazon women that only exist in myths and fiction, this is the town of Noiva do Cordeiro. This unique town is located in the present day Brazil, and it’s only women that live in this town. This town is very unique because, only women are allowed to live her, women govern the affairs of this town, it’s an all girl’s town.

Noiva do Cordeiro, is a female town that is located in southeast Brazil. It is the home to about 600 residents. It is dominated and governed by women. The women in this town are very beautiful.

Women of Noiva supporting Keila Gaga at a local show.

Some of the women in this town are married, they have their own families, but their husbands and any of their son’s that’s above the age of 18, have left the town and can only visit during the weekends. Honestly, I fail to understand the motive of the inhabitants of this town and why married women would choose to stay away from their family and see them only during weekends.

One of the residents of Noiva do Cordeiro, Rosalee Fernandes, who is 49 years old, said that the town is more peaceful without the men living in there. This is first time that I’m seeing people that agree that the gathering of only women is more peaceful that women and men mixed together.

She said that they share everything and everybody in the town, gets along really well. This town has a hall that they all gather to watch zee world.

This town has been existing since the year 1891. This town was founded by Maria Senhorinha de Lima, after she was banished from her village for alleged adultery. But the women of this town have claimed that the reason why Maria actually ran away from her marriage, was because she was in an abusive marriage.

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