Body Language

Body language cues that can help us read and understand others better.

Although we are verbal beings who seek answers, this is not always the case. By observing others’ gestures, lookings, actions, and body language, we can supplement, contradict, or even get more information than what is presented within us.


Here are types of language that goes unnoticed but can help you better comprehend others.



(1) Non-verbal or physical language: can be used to communicate as well as spoken language. When we talk about it, we mean those powerful conscious or unconscious gestures or movements that can convey an idea or message to someone.


(2) During a conversation, one person tends to replicate, reproduce, or imitate the other’s gestures, tone of voice, or even attitude. People who replicate them are usually unaware they are doing so.


(3) Scratching our heads: is a pretty common gesture that can mean many things. Repeatedly doing it may indicate a lack of comprehension, bewilderment, tension, or irritation.


(4) Mouth Gesture or Movement: specifically with the lips, is common, but its reasons and explanations vary. Anger, tension, or the effort to repress or cover up other sentiments are all possible meanings of this term.



(5) Onlookers: aren’t astonished to see someone with their hands on their hips. In order to fully comprehend this stance, we must consider the accompanying motions. It can also show pride and confidence.


(6) Swinging Neck: A Person swing their neck side to side or back and forth to relieve tension. Because the neck has so many nerve endings, this movement may help someone relax in a stressful  circumstance.



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